If you are in ZULU trade- you must see this

Hello people I have made my SP where you can follow my signals, it for free and as you can see very profitable.
Check this out


I’ve been to ZuluTrade and was a little taken back from its bluntness of open trades. Anyway, I’m wondering how to use the service.
I tried opening a account but, it seems that I need to open an actual trading account. Please clue me in to what I need to do exactly.

Thanks ,

Be careful, very careful, with ZuluTrade. Especially following providers who have near 100% win ratios. Take a look at some of these signal providers to see what I’m talking about.

ZuluTrade - Signal Provider Performance - zulumaster1
ZuluTrade - Signal Provider Performance - alpha & oxygen

These traders look really good, until they take that gigantic loss which is inevitable. Zulumaster1 had like $15 million following him, until he made a bad USD/CAD trade and held on until it was down -700 pips or whatever ridiculous number that was…

ZuluTrade has recently started offering warnings about near 100% win ratio strategies (because the inevitably fail and destroy your accounts). There are also good signal providers on ZuluTrade, but just be really careful choosing them and make sure their strategy is sound (not too good to be true).

You actually open up the live account on ZuluTrade… They will send you to the application page for the broker.

Thanks man.

Hey, I hear ya for Zulumaster1, but for alpha and oxygen I tend to disagree. I am following them for 3 months and I can say they have a stable and smart trading strategy, I really think the know what they are doing rather than shooting in the dark with open positions like many other providers. if you analyze them closely you will see their pattern as well.

What about that 500+ pip loss I see recently? That’s extremely high drawdown for a strategy which aims for 10 pips a trade… Isn’t that exactly what zulumaster1 and the other disaster providers have done? Extreme scalping risk 500 pips to gain 10, but don’t worry because it works over 90% of the time? Lol, just seems like reckless trading to me…

Learn to trade on your own and you will be much more profitable than you ever could be by using other peoples signals.

Zulutrade providers are almost always if not always reckless and care only about the commission that they get from followers.

I do use zulutrade (for the last two months), but with very small lots and I only follow one provider at a time. So far I have lost money doing this.

It is like saying – I am buying a portfolio of only one stock and then when the stock goes down –oooooh it’s the NYSE fault. It doesn’t work this way, you need to spread your risk the more you do, the more you gain – all this of course need to be topped ranked and profitable signals. Simple logic.

What percent do signal providers take or how do they benefit from providing signals?

ZuluTrade adds their “fee” into the spread for followers. I think it’s 1 pip or something… The signal provider gets a percentage of that on every trade opened. So the more trades opened, and the more followers, the more money they will make. It doesn’t matter if the trades win or lose, they will get the commission in any case.

This is not true. Two weeks ago or so, Zulutrade changed providers settings that whenever they close negative monthly PnL – no commissions will be paid. Check the threads; I remember seeing a copy of the official email somewhere. Besides too many open positions are reflected in the ranking system and obviously providers want to be placed higher.

I investigated ZT and it looks like SPs receive 0.5pips for each lot they open on a trade regardless of pips won - this i guess is per follower. So one trade done for 100 followers nets 50 pips - correct me if I’m wrong - ZT uses stupid language to explain this the most important part.

Anyway if I make 20 pips for 100 accounts and take 40% that’s 800 pips so I won’t be bothering with ZT.

I was planning to use it to live test the retail version of the software I’m developing for my hedge fund.

I guess i’ll have to go the PAMM route and find customers myself.

I am using Zt for 2 weeks on real account. It seems everything OK, but i prefer to use only micro lots, because i don’t want to give all my money for provider i have never seen before. But now it is working good i have 15% profit of my first deposit.

I’m testing out a zulutrade live account as well. I was attracted to Zulu for the same reason that I’m drawn towards EAs and decided to give it a shot.

I’ve setup using a 1k account utilizing micro lots and setup a number of different providers to hopefully hedge each other. If I get more comfortable with some of them and get a little bit of a profit buffer built up i’m planning on setting some of them to mini lots.

I’ve already had a reminder to use proper MM though, the day after going live I had one sp take a 200 pip loss on my account. Ouch. But, since it was only a micro account I was down $20 or 2%. He has since regained half his loss and the other sp on my account have made back the rest so my account is at break even.

My account only went live a few days ago, so this is just one small example…we’ll see how it pans out overall.

I opened a demo account with Zulu a couple of days ago. I also was reminded of the importance of money management. I think there is quite a bit of talent there. I will watch my demo account for a month or so trying different SPs and different risk settings and plan to open a live account in Jan.

Good luck! Which signals are you following?

I’m with Zulutrade for more than a year now and want to say that you can make money there if you select the right signal providers and use a strict money management.

A lot of what has been sad before is absolutely true. I can’t recommend to go for signal providers with a 100% winning record. Especially with these signal providers one sooner or later will experience huge drawdowns up to several hundred pips that will eventually kill your entire account. Happened to me two times and I painfully had to learn my lesson.

Also, it is correct Zulutrade won’t pay commission to signal providers if they don’t operate profitably on a monthy basis. This is to prevent signal providers to open multiple position just in order to hunt commission instead of making profit for their followers.

So my recommendation for signal providers is:

  • High Profit Factor and Forex Cruise Control: Both use an EA, mainly trade during the Asian session with slow but steady profits and little drawdown. Winning percentage is 70-80%.

  • MVK_08: Winning percentage is close to 90%, little drawdown and +19 pips/trade on average.

Those three signal providers combined should provide you with a monthly result of 600-800 pips if in total you can afford to have 4-6 positions opened at the same time. But most likely this will not happen. Just check them out on a demo account or use microlots on a real account and you will be pleased with the performance.

Hope this helps.


Thanks. I’m following about 15 SPs right now and will narrow them down as I go along. Hubinator’s recommended ones are among the ones I’m following.

I am also using Forex Cruise Control and High Profit Factor. Great combination!

Even after a couple of weeks i’ve learned definite lessons on diversification and money management. Right as soon as I went live I had on sp hit a 400 pip loss on a series of trades, earn it back, then take another 800 point loss over a couple of days.(Ye ouch!).

That being said though, For the money management aspect i’m running micro lots so his trading has cost me $80 and based on his history I’m betting he’ll make it back over time.

For diversification I have a number of other signal providers who have overall made me 500 points.

So essentially i’m down 300 points, or $30 for a 3% loss over my first 2 weeks. If I’d been running mini lots i’d have been freaked out over the last bit over margin levels but with micro its actually pretty entertaining to watch the highs and lows.