If you were stranded on a deserted island, which cryptocurrency would you mine?

If you were stranded on a deserted island, which cryptocurrency would you mine?

● Bitcoin
● Ether
● Litecoin
● I’d rather mine diamonds (real diamonds, not bitcoin diamonds).

Are there any restaurants or shops on this island that accept payment via cryptocurrency? If not, I wouldn’t bother.

And where am I meant to get electricity from to power my rigs?

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I’d rather find water, all the water, then hold it, and create games to make people win the water - basically I’d be a pimp to water

Very funny, but heartless. Why the hell would you want to sell something as free as water. I hope I get to water before you.

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If I’m stranded on a desert island I’d have no computer to mine it with, probably.

I would definitely go with the diamond option…although I’m not sure if it’s possible to find diamonds on a deserted island but one can never know :smiley:

It’s a deserted island that contains a mining farm complete with solar panels and generators. But everything was abandoned. :sunglasses:

Maybe we could try to pan for gold instead. :rofl:

I would go for bitcoin the original big daddy of whole crypto market. Everything else is just a follower of bitcoin


Cardano (ADA) beats BTC hands down.
Unhackable. [Unlike BTC which has lost 4 million coins to date to hackers]

And superior blockchain technology.

But there will always be dutch tulips for people to crave, while those who ignore the hype and look at the facts accumulate and settle in for the long haul.

BTC is going to set back the crypto scene yet again when it once again goes hyperbolic and crashes.

If people don’t learn the lessons from past errors, they are destined to repeat them.
Wouldn’t touch BTC with someone else funding me.

But would agree that BTC is the golden-haired child of the markets.
In 10 years we shall see a very different balance, and stronger leaders in the crypto market.

Most traders do not understand the product they are trading, and will get burned.