Hi, I’m swiss french and did click on an ad to get a free guidebook to forex about a month ago… (always good to get More education…)
I got a very basic pdf file explaining pips, long, short and not much else…
1 hour later a rep, named Ariel, did call me to sppek about what they were offering (Mostly bull**** as I could see later on!)
He did his job as a french market/expo seller who won’t let you go till you buy, I was busy, got rid of him…
He called me the next day, and I finally agreed to put $400 on a real account so he could open a demo account for me to practice and get used to their platform… And if I decided to stay with them, I would have received $100 bonus after a month!
So, about their service:
Platform: A very basic java application with not much details, when you click “show graphs”, you get a certificate warning message, they pump their graphics at netdania…
Naturally no EA possible…
Spreads: 4 pips on EURUSD for accounts below $10’000, if over, 3 pips.
No trailing stops!
Trying to set limit orders wit S/L or T/P is just a pain, I never been able to set the ones I wanted on the demo account!
“Free signals” Never had any more news than what you can get on mataf or others…
Refund: After my first demand, another rep called me again and argued that they would lower spreads at 3 pips on EURUSD, give me phonecall training, etc… so I decided to keep the try one more week…
Possible that they lowered the spreads, but their platform is so ****ty, I did only 1 trade and tryed to set a few orders with no succes… so I don’t know and don’t care!
Now since sunday I send emails with no answers, when I call, Ariel is always busy on the phone or away, then I am usually transfered to a responsible accountant, but always arrive in a blackhole…
It seems I had a more efficient person on the phone (Raz) who promessed he will follow up to their refund promess to be honored…
I really hope refund will be done by tomorrow noon, otherwise I might fly to Greece where they are and plastic the whole thing! :eek: