IG Markets experiences/reviews?

Hey all,

Anyone in here use IG (IG.com)? I’m thinking of creating a CFD account with them as they offer a numerous amount of instruments to trade I do have a demo account with them.

Has anyone had any experience using there live account ? Apart from the online reviews I have read I was hoping to get a discussion going about them ? Is it true as a market maker they go after your stops and widen your spreads once you start having a success rate ? (This is what I have read online, not sure if its true or not).

Also has there been any issues withdrawing your Capital from them to your bank account ?

Thanks in advance

I have no exprerience trading with Ig, but as you already said there are a lot of different reviews about them. Mostly they are positive. And it’s pretty rare, to read mostly positive reviews. I’ll ask some friends about their
experience working with them, and try to give you answer.

Actually about all brokers are market makers out there and ig is one of the biggest cfd provider.