I'm ayoub and i am new here,thanks everyone

Hy y’all m Ayoub m 21yo i live in morocco,
M new here cuz i wanna work and at the same time i want to make my dream and father dreams come true cuz we don’t have much and i wanna give back what he gave me ik it’s a lot and i can’t give it back but imma do my best so thanks yall for giving me this opportunity and i hope i can have ur help

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Welcome to the community, Ayoub. You can start with the education section here. Then as you go along, open a demo account to practice what you’re learning. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

Welcome, start here!

Hello and welcome, Ayoub! I’m sure you will enjoy and learn so much here! Good luck on your trading journey!

Aww. :blush: Super nice that you want to give back to your father. :blush: I think that’s very sweet! Take your time learning before investing any real money. :open_mouth: It won’t be easy and it won’t be fast, but I hope you see it through so you can really give back eventually. :pray: