Im here to learn how to trade and recognize patterns in trading forex

Im looking to be cool and be ready to make money when I turn 18 and also make money, did i mention to make money.

So you have a long term plan in place? Press the LEARN FOREX green button above.

Best of luck.

Welcome! Please remember that it’s not easy making money in forex. Focus first on learning and getting the required skills to be a profitable trader. Best of luck!

first of all you should focus on learning approach besides a practice account.

Welcome to the community, @Hesten_Glad. Lots of time to learn since you’re still young. How has your learning been so far?

Welcoooome. :blush: I think it’s nice that you’re starting at a young age. :smiley: Just means you have more time to learn and grow. :smiley: It won’t be an easy journey but I hope you see it through. :blush: