I’m a newbie a complete novice. I know [B][U]NOTHING[/U][/B] about trading, but I am here to learn and take advantage of this incredible money earner. I live in Chicago IL and my background is in education
Merry Christmas
I’m a newbie a complete novice. I know [B][U]NOTHING[/U][/B] about trading, but I am here to learn and take advantage of this incredible money earner. I live in Chicago IL and my background is in education
Merry Christmas
Welcome to the forum! Prepare yourself for a long, intens bur interesting journey in your trading. For you with your background it should be easy to understand that education is the key, and that you won’t ve a consistent profitable trader within days,weeks or months. It will likely take you years to develop your own trading style. But with enough dedication and education everything is possible
Start off at School of Pipsology | Learn Forex Trading
Go trough the entire school and take your time to absorb the information(take at least 1-2 months for this).
Interesting enough less than 4%of the new people make it trough the entire school(you get distracted easilly in your trading education).
Good luck on your journey!
And also a merry christmas & happy new year!