I'm newbie


I’m a newbie a complete novice. I know [B][U]NOTHING[/U][/B] about trading, but I am here to learn and take advantage of this incredible money earner. I live in Chicago IL and my background is in education

Merry Christmas


Welcome to the forum! Prepare yourself for a long, intens bur interesting journey in your trading. For you with your background it should be easy to understand that education is the key, and that you won’t ve a consistent profitable trader within days,weeks or months. It will likely take you years to develop your own trading style. But with enough dedication and education everything is possible :slight_smile:

Start off at School of Pipsology | Learn Forex Trading
Go trough the entire school and take your time to absorb the information(take at least 1-2 months for this).
Interesting enough less than 4%of the new people make it trough the entire school(you get distracted easilly in your trading education).

Good luck on your journey!
And also a merry christmas & happy new year!