I'm trying to better understand how TRADES are handled

Thanks TomCooper, I have not signed up for any mentorship since leaving IM Academy and Traders central.
I only follow a few YouTube channels.

How long have you been trading for?

Hi LauChoKun,
It takes a lot of consistency to get to where we really want to be in our trading life.

Oh okay, I’ve been trading 3 years, on and off, just been analyzing on few major pairs.
How has your trades be going so far?

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Here’s the lesson. Might get you into the weeds, lots of details. Maybe more than you want right now. Hope it helps!

Welcome to the community! This is really a good place to learn how to trade. Take your time and good luck on your trading journey!

I’ve had my share of ups and downs, but overall I’m happy with what I’m doing now. How about you?

Greetings and best wishes for success!
Begin with the educational aspect here and avoid wasting too much time on fraudulent videos on Youtube. You will eventually discover that doubling your account in ten minutes by utilizing a 21-year-old boy’s strategy is implausible. Instead, strive to construct and advance your personalized strategy.
May I ask for how long you have been involved in crypto trading?

I’m not actively trading crypto but I hold some crypto.

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Hi Zianfx,
How are your trades going?

Doing quite ok. How about you?