Think you have found the “Holy Grail”? Post the latest indicator that you have found along with a chart and an explanation of how to use it. The rest of us will then show you the folly of using this indicator to trade or give hints how to trade it profitably. This should save traders from wasting their time and money on worthless junk.
I use the carcass of an owl plus a broken grandfathers clock to indicate where price is going.
To my extreme surprise this works 50% of the time making it roughly equal to the MACD.
Are you sure you want me to post a picture of it? It ain’t pretty :D:p;)
Yes and do not forget to explain exactly how you use it. :mad:
Ok, here’s the thing: it involves nudity and I’m afraid I can’t post it. Really sorry about that.
However, this is how I use it: I look at the hands of the clock and if they’re not moving I go long, otherwise short.
If the wind is blowing so I feel the bad smell from the rotting owl, that’s my signal to stay out of the market.
Simple huh
Seriously though, this thread is a good idea and I’m sure you’ll be able to help some people get well from their indicatoriasis.
awesome thread. i’m going to post up a system i’ve been working on for a long time. I’m setting up the flow chart and wanted to post it up soon as i was done.
i used to daytrade stocks and want to use the same but modified system here. its a mix of cowabunga/undergroundtrader/hilo gann/rsi/stochs. not all original but works for me. I’m going live with the trading after a year to year and a half of demo.
i know this thread breeds of cynicism but its exactly what i need. its real money and you can’t be paranoid enough in that case. look forward to the input.
The point of this thread is to have a place where traders can show other traders why their indicator does not make money and/or how to make it make money. The focus should be on the indicator, method, or system. Insulting posters is not the idea. No name calling allowed. Don’t say it doesn’t work, show why it doesn’t work. This should be fun and educational.
No one wants to post an indicator?
I’m not surprised by the fact that there are no takers.
Tough to be arm chair quarterbacked, and no matter what type of internet etiquette people may try to adhere to, this thread could easily turn into a train wreck.
Just an observation…
I have a suggestion, why not dissect the Cowabunga system which is indicator based - it has EMAs, stoch, RSI and MACD:
So You’ve Finished The School Of Pipsology…Now What? | Forex Blog: Pip My System
More on it:
Ok, I have one.
Trades are to be taken in the opposite direction of the signals.
I have tested this and noticed that it works better after a good nights sleep, or while intoxicated.
Good Luck!
The fundamental understanding of forex indicator is the simple moving average. It is no surprise actually that all technical indicators are built based on moving average.
The idea is simple: Take the average volume…
However the forex is dynamic so the average doesn’t really work 100% precisely. But we can still win if we can get the best average point of the majority traders.
Think about it!!
Volume MA does exist…I have it, guess I can post it if you want it.
Either dissect Cowabunga or Pete’s Mad Scalper, both based on technicals and both appear to work long term.
In the grand scheme of things, we are all just bugs on the windshield of the Forex juggernaut.
Our piddly little retail dent in the market is nothing compared to what happens with volume trading at the central bank level.
I tried to download that gut_feeling.mq4 but the link isn’t active. can you post the code?
Even better…I’m working on an EA:
if feeling long open (“SELL signal at Ask=”,Ask,“
if feeling short open (“BUY signal at Ask=”,Ask,“
Forget that indi, this one is a much better contrarian indicator:
c ocky_bad_spelling_newbie_get_rich_quick_trade_advice.mq4
where can I find it? I need that.
and I had such a straight face typing that
So where’s the analysis of Mad Scalper ? Lots of pretty colors and lines, so does it work or doesn’t it? Why or why not? Details please.
Wondering the same…
When a theory becomes a formula, disproving it can be a daunting task.
There are many ways to have success.
I think most failures come from lack of knowledge. Even the simplest of strategies require discipline, and patience.