Information overload

to my newbie traders, do You feel overwhelmed by the amount of information required to get started in forex trading?

Not a newbie myself but I can answer this from experience.

I started 8 years ago, picking up concepts left and right. It felt overwhelming because I was learning what was what and not knowing how to apply them to trading. I believe it gets easier once you start building a trading system and start to pick apart concepts to build your own little thing.

Ironically that’s one of the hardest stages but you rarely notice since you’re tunnel visioned.

Yup. Info overload! Brain feels like exploded. I think it’s a necessary evil. Have you started the School here? It’s overload but at least it’s organized overload.

It can be really overwhelming at first. There’s so much to learn and it feels like there’s always something new to understand. Just take it one step at a time.