Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

I don’t think this has any merit…

You read the title of this thread correct? It’s me running the account. It was me that claimed I could do it. Not an invite for the newbies that are learning the tools I trade with to go about attempting to try it.

The point is to see that once you overcome emotions and the rush to take every trade… everyday… it can be possible to make a fortune from relatively small amounts. Noisey static… clears up when you stay tuned.

It has nothing to do with the students of my work in relation to proving anything to anyone but themselves. It’s meant to encourage them… and prove the results they long for, for motivation to grind out the needed time to develop.

It’s nice to have our favorite Babypips
guru, teacher, cult leader, femme fatale, drummerboy, expert exbank trader from Citi… tell us we can make this and this is how you can do it in theory… but it’s all together different when a educator walks out from the crowd and does it L.I.V.E.

Get the point now? Thanks for joining the conversation! :wink:


There ya go. I assure you this did nothing in the end.

What is “L.I.V.E” … Is this an acronym for something lol?

Well…backwards it spells E.V.I.L… :wink:

FAKE!! There’s no account balance on that, not showing live account, NOTHING!!!

You made that up on Excel!!!

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I placed my first live FX trade on November 2, 2007

Since then, my results have been as follows:

2007: -$385.53
2008: +$867.87
2009: -$6,454.86
2010: -$6,329.39
2011: -$7,115.60
2012: -$3,501.49

That’s pulled from my tax records, so the values are, or have been converted to CDN$

I love shocking people with my losses… they seem far more upset than I am. What I have now is priceless, it really won’t be long (in the grand scheme of things) before those losses are negated.

Also, I would never say I lost money “trading ICT methods”. In fact, it was in [U]ignoring[/U] ICT’s advice due to stubborness and bad habits that I lost all that money. I ran into trouble in 2012 because I was actually winning a lot, and my Ego wasn’t used to it… so when it came time for a loss, I couldn’t handle it.

2013 will be, without a doubt, my best year of trading. It’s too bad none of you will get to see it! :57:

Well one thing no one can say about you is that you are not persistent… 5 years of solid losing and still not giving up is impressive in and of itself.

[B]L[/B]ive trading.
[B]I[/B]n front of.
[B]V[/B]ery undeserving.

Close as I could get while driving… :56:

I had those in your brood and mindset in mind lol

You folks are too busy with this thread. I think it will be over 100k views before we get to March at this pace.

WTG! :35:

I like this sort of thing… as long as the facts are kept and not stretched. I appreciate the moderators for permiting it as well. I am in no way offended by opinions and thoughts expressed that are considered contrary to my work or the odds of me completing this task.

It is no headtrip for me. I hope more join the fray. I have the first few posts locked down for my personal use anyways. If you got an opinion have at it. I can use the MyFxBook wall to post comments pertaining to my trades and use this as a sandpit. Build your Castles Trolls… I will knock them down. :stuck_out_tongue:

I have OCD, it’s really not that impressive :stuck_out_tongue:

My greatest weakness is also my greatest strength. The only thing that really makes me want to quit, is when my brokers keep giving me the boot for being Canadian (and Albertan specifically)… what’s up with that???

I would really like my previous post about him taking only 18 pips and not letting anything run, get answered. I should probably tweet he responds to those more lol.

I stand corrected.

This is sooooo coool, in fx you are free of everything except yourself, you become you biggiest enemy, I’ve only really ever learned ict’s methodology, and it works a treat for me, I don’t understand people saying this and that, just do as you do, I feel lucky to have found ict and indebted to the methodology, but more then that michaels teaching have taught me to ‘see’ the market see the whole, you know the saying, give me a fish and ill eat for a day teach to fish and ill eat for life… Well Michaels stuff is teaching me and helping me to learn the holistic approach, sure the tactics and technicals behind it help (a lot!), but I’m learning to see and that has put me in the path, catch you at the pot of gold guys, cuz I got 20k worth of confidence and its working, small slow gains building buffers and letting set ups I ‘saw’ but didn’t get on pan out just gives me confidence, losses I let go and wait for the next set up, I’m calling 63% accurately (over the last month), and I’m a percent or two up, but I’m am becoming and I’m growing myself, ICT rocks for his time, effort and teaching, there is no system to be enslaved too just dam good teachings, GLGT!

I been here longer than you, and Michael is truly a cut above anyone I’ve seen on this board. Don’t tell me Tymen is comparable, that guy was a joke and he only hung around here cause he missed being a teacher and having that control. I always thought it was kinda pathetic, he wasn’t a real trader, just pretended to be so people would fill his “classroom”

I forgot about that old coot. Is he even still alive?

Last I heard, he was hanging out in a skype room with graviton and trading renko charts

Here’s a snapshot of my last 7 weeks of trading… for those who are saying none of ICT’s students can duplicate his success…

Of course this is my personal equity tracker sheet on excel, so you’ll have to take my word that these values are real. If you don’t… I could care less

(if you noticed the balance has been increasing more than the P/L suggests, that is because I have been depositing $$$) :slight_smile:

Akea way to go man! Loving those numbers! Keep it up. Maybe you will beat ICT to a million. lol

I think ICT, petefader, relativity, and captain currency all have good threads. Otherwise it’s mostly the same questions over and over.