Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

Where is it after say 4 trades for three years?

Do I have to do everything! Is that 4 trades each year for 3 years, or 4 trades within 3 yearsā€¦either way check trade #12 or trade #4ā€¦(subsitute week num for trade num)ā€¦in that pic i postedā€¦

But since ICT hasnā€™t specified his plan, I think it would be more productive to debate something realā€¦not speculated.

Iā€™m on my cell phone. Was hoping youā€™d do it for me. :slight_smile: I could hardly see the spreadsheet.

I meant four trades a month for three years.

oppsā€¦my badā€¦ 144 trades?..itā€™ll be a million :wink:

MG99 so basically when someone calls you out, then you just look for a way to put it off and move onto the next pointless argument ?

Itā€™s been proven you can take a small amount of money to a large amount in a short timeā€¦all the believers are right , you are wrong

I can have a more intelligent conversation with a rock than with you, its like arguing with a damn child.

Next! (pointless /irrelevant comment from you)

Edit: actually since i want to respect the rules and requests by the adminā€™s, iā€™m not gonna continue to talk to a 30 yr old baby. I really hope they do something about you commenting in this thread soon though:54:

What lamborghini video are you talking about? lol I have never seen it, can you link me?

that video is from a longgggggg time ago. well maybe not to long, but iā€™m pretty sure its not on his youtube channel anymore

He said he put an account up 3500% in a year. and I believe that even.

There is a lot of potential in these marketsā€¦ your limits are your own

damn! i wanna see itā€¦ i like cars.

Awesome. The math adds up.

Now we just have to wait and see till he eventually gets to that win rate and those pip gains. So far he has a lot of catching up to do.

I just wonder why heā€™s going about this so differently. Why teach one thing and do another?

Iā€™m ignoring you. This thread doesnā€™t deserve your rudeness after the warning already given to all. I suggest you do the same.

He teaches not to trade everyday and to keep risk under 2% and to halve it when you have a loss. He has taken trades relating to his material although Iā€™m still a little skeptical as to whether heā€™s sugar coating.

What specifically is he doing so differently? I donā€™t believe he ever said you can turn 5k into a million by trading 3-4 times a month. What he [I]has[/I] said is that you can make a decent living in this business with as few as trades as that.

Ah okay.

So what method is he using now?

This is a true statement. I think he is just test driving what the challenge will be like and getting used to it all and just ended up having a bad week. Itā€™s cool though, Iā€™m a trader so I have patience to wait and see. Iā€™m not too concerned about it anyways, I have my own trading and learning to do.

What method? Iā€™m not sure what you are asking. He is using the tools that he teaches

Are you profitable using the same tools?

With a 3% risk, 3500% in a year? You believe that? I mean really. How many trades?

I have to summate here for my own thinking.

In one year he did over 600%

In another year he did over 3500%.

So this challenge shouldnā€™t be anything for him. Just run of the mill business to show us how it works, right?