Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

I am not profitable, but since learning and applying the “tools” my equity curve has flattened out and I am now basically a breakeven trader. I improve my trading and learn something new everyday.

What are you finding to be the struggles? ICT is able to produce 3500% in a year. It’s just curious to me, why a student of a teacher can’t find just a portion of that success.

What is in your way of achieving your own wealth from mere dollars in a single year?

I think you need to ask him that yourself. You seem to take a lot of second hand knowledge or things that were, “mentioned in a chatroom,” as fact.

A lot of talk about 3-4 trades a month. I’m curious as to where this came from.

Per ICT’s tweet in July, he usually trades about [B]4-6 times per month[/B]. So, if the math adds up for 3-4 trades a month, imagine how he would fair with his true trading frequency.

Let the issue rest.

You’re smart right? You do understand every single person is different. If ICT gave these out as signals and everyone started with 5K how many people do you think would end up with 1m? I’m gonna guess less than half.

We can all see 62% retracement levels. But are we drawing them from the same swings? Do we get in at the 62 70 or 79? Or on a price level that looks good? When we identify support and resistance do we each have the same line drawn? We can identify possible stop runs but to where? Everyone’s answers will be different. Michael has what his students don’t. Experience.

How can u compare these people with less than 3 years of doing this with Michael? Apples to oranges.

And above all everyone’s emotions, mind, and psychology is different.


Very true. I guess I’m just waiting to see the 90% winrate. I find it interesting that he’s choosing to not employ the same strategies that have garnished him 600% and 3500% returns in a single year.

I don’t know where you get this stuff from. I am not trying to achieve wealth from mere dollars in a single year. I am trying, and on my way to trade this industry successfully. Like anything worthwhile in life it takes time. It takes a long time to master something, 10000 hours according to Malcom Gladwell.

What’s with your continual probing? What are you trying to get at?

I understand that. That’s why I’m wondering why his students are even doing a tenth of it. Even given the variance of the subjective nature of price action tools and other discretions. If Michael Jordan taught me for three years how to throw free throws, I’d bet I’d be able to at least shoot a tenth of his success on the free throw line.

So shouldn’t it be reasonable for one to maybe just get a mere 300% or even 200% out of a 3500% he’s able to get in a single year?

I frequent the chatroom. ICT and I have had several direct dialogues. And everything else I’m saying is said right here, some of it even in this thread. Did you know that ICT gained 3500% in a single year? Is that common knowlege and I’m just the last to find out about that?

I’m genuinely curious as to the overall mindset of a ICT student. Mastery I would think is truly 3500% in a year. Wouldn’t you agree?

But along the way to mastery of that sort of return, I would imagine an improvement along the way. No? So after three years, that has to account for a good amount of hours in, and someone could at least maybe double their account in a month or something. Right? Or is my thought process wrong? I’m just thinking that when I learn somethign I just get better and better as I go along, all the while enjoying the successes I have in the process.

If it was done in a controlled and professional matter, yea of course 3500% could be considered mastery. It’s all relative though. As for if he has done that, I am not sure if he has nor do I have any of the details.

I can’t speak for others and their successes, but after a little over a year my equity curve went from losing to not losing. Like I said, small and steady improvements.

I just funded my first live account with $500.

This represents an instant gain of infinite percent, and I did it all risk free without taking a single trade.

Bow down to your new overlord.

I’d say trading experience is compounded just like profits lol. Your underestimating how hard forex is on a noob. The markets play with your head it takes a lot of beating to get used to it.

Why don’t we just pull out of the arguments back and forth and give this reasonable time to get going. I am sure, Mastergunner, that you would not consider yourself a failure if you were in a loss after a particular month. Losses do happen and multiple losing trades will also happen. That is inevietable.

Just awit a month or two and then see how it is going. MasterGunner - have you watched ICT’s posted vid on reasons behind the trades etc, or are you simply happy to knock it on this thread??? Obviously, you and ICT have some issues with each other, but you are like a dog with a bone here in your relentless pursuit. Just leave it a while and see what happens.


Do you not believe it can be done in a year? ICT said it could be done.

Because there’s more to talk about then just the results of the current challenge. ICT has been able to do 3500% returns in a single year. I’m curious if that was done with the money management strategies he teaches or if he’s employing something else entirely.

Deleted. Was feeding into silliness.

Stop feeding the troll.

Is this the same Katt Williams that has continuous run ins with the police? You choose to derive advice from him to apply in your daily life? Just curious.

Maestro Gunslinger the 99th, could you please summarize in a succinct manner the problem you have with ICT so that we can put it behind us?

I fear the mods shall look unfavorably upon us if we should choose to continue our rambling.

May the ban hammer have mercy upon our souls