Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread


You seriously are just writing off a flat out lie. He says last week was purposeful. Two days ago he says the exact opposite.

You’re just writing that off as him being Bipolar?

Just want to be clear here.

Well, we don’t know if he did or not. Which version of what he said was the truth, and why do I have to ask that to begin with?

Then at least go back and edit your post. Your post is incorrect and you’re spreading misinformation.

I ask you again, what specifically did he lie about? First he said he did not lose on purpose. Then he said he did not lose on purpose and that he had entered trades using his concepts, but not in an optimal way. Never did he say he was losing on purpose, right?

Am I? Can you please rationalize why he told two separate and complete stories about his trading thus far in this challenge?

I will gladly recant if someone can rationally explain the blatant lie.

That was a joke. My kind of joke (don’t worry people don’t laugh in real life either)

I think he’s playing with everyone’s head and I think it’s hilarious. I don’t care what Michael does with that account. Look what I’m doing with my own account… I got a highly lucrative career on tap. Why would I be emotionally invested in anything that happens on this forum, inclusive of Michael’s million dollar challenge?

I got my priorities set, this is just entertainment. Pretty good entertainment past few weeks, considering the price anyhow lol

Wow. Did you not really what he just wrote? Seriously, did you ignore ICT’s post.

I wasn’t the one that brought up the difference in his stories. I accepted what he wrote until someone else posted the other version of his story.

I remember that feeling of finally being a profitable trader. :slight_smile:

Next step is that new money feeling. :slight_smile:

Good work, Aaron. You deserve it.

Dude really… I have read enough of your bull and you are clearly lazy and want to be a mouth without substance. You’re looking to get banned I bet to save face.

I do not sell anything. Nor do I profit from a single thing outside of my own trading. Just because you are less of a humanitarian and look for evil in even a kind gesture… doesn’t make me a salesman with the worst pitch ever devised. I sell nothing. I will never sell anything. I’m loaded. Get it?

Seriously, you sound like a brat that wants my toys and you can’t have them. I am calling you wrong. I am calli g you a ridiculous clown that talks smack but looks ever the more foolish by each post. I told you I owned you. You can’t stop posting so I exchange with you. I can’t be your hero MG99. I’m too good for that.

The intent was to trade like the lazy readers, not all, just those that walk into these forums read or watch one element and expect it to be cake. They don’t intend to lose. They want it easy and done halfhanded. I illustrated it real time.

Next conspiracy please… You are boring the audience. You have proven my first impression daily and by the looks of it almost hourly… you are a neglected underachiever that wants to appear more apt than he really is.

Go do some homework then come correct goober.

That’s not what i’m talking about. You said he was doing something commercially which is incorrect.

That’s interesting. Figured he wasn’t being honest.

Especially the commercializing.

That’s been something I called for quite sometime ago and he denied it.
Build an audience. Sell them. Guess the real reason is evident now why someone would spend three years making videos.

The goodness of one’s heart apparently has a sale price.

Say it ain’t so ICT. Say it ain’t so.

Oh okay, I see, so you cannot point out his specific lie. More half truths? Thanks though


You told two different stories. Which one is the truth? And why lie about the other one?

I stand corrected on the commercializing. But your two stories don’t add up, and I was not the one to point that out.

Dude. He said he throw last week intentionally. Days before he said he didn’t. Which is it?

A lot of his claims/assertions are rife with incorrect and/or misinformation.

But I recall this quote


FX-Men Honorary Member InnerCircleTrader

Originally Posted by mastergunner99 There was a fervent believer in the chat room about a month ago that admitted to losing 20k last year with ICT’s methods, but he still kept thinking he was on the right track as long as he continued his studies. Makes you wonder how many other untold stories are out there that have been financially devastating.

Wasn’t you then?

Had you been in the chat room, you would know that everyone in there thought the same thing when Aaron dropped that bomb.

I even mentioned directly to him that he should find new methods and he said he was staying the course.

This led me to directly believe what I wrote.

I get hundreds of emails daily. Many from folks that never post here for this very reason… politics, flames and well fear of being attacked for wanting to learn from guys pretending to know something.

I’ve seen their approach and after repeated dialoge abd advice I did what they were doing… and the results are proven real time. You are not privy to the needs and questions I receive. You don’t have a full deck. You aren’t the Ring Master… just the clown. I’m no salesman. I am no liar.

I will stand on my word and you shall see ICT in his true form. I will make your gains in February and silence you.

Until March you are on ignore chappy.

I’m asking a direct question and you are avoiding the answer.

Why did you tell two different stories of your public results? Which version is the truth? And why did you lie about the other?

I’m asking you to please respond so we can get clarification and continue on this thread.

If somebody continues to do the same thing over and over and you have a answer or solution they do not listen to but know if they see it… Witness it… Digest it. Suddenly it’s truth.

I have a SuperHuman rep on here and its widely attributed to my tools and concepts. These tools and concepts while they have made my life much more affluent… just a casual understanding or once over doesn’t present a reader/viewer an opportunity to be “bitten by the ICT bug” and suddenly their able swing trade and scale skyscraper equity curves. No its going to require focus.

I illustrated while I made every attempt to profit on the framework of my tools, like the lazy do… I too had lackluster results. If you understood my work you’d notice a large list of inconsistencies in my performance. Those that paid attention saw through it. Those hanging on by thinking it was a free ride to riches now second guess that mindset.

The folks that ask me the same questions and never listen seen their folly in action by the creator of the tools and concepts. That is not two stories. That is the elements left out to spare the feelings of those who needed the illustration. I call it growing pains.

You have your response… Im through with you until I have laid waste to you.

Your answer wasn’t really an answer. But nonetheless.

Game on :slight_smile: