Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

Be my guest, grace us with your superior results or business profit claims and I would guess honorable point from Pipstradamous. This is a tracking thread after all and we are 1 seat short of a competitor

Thatā€™s interesting. Figured he wasnā€™t being honest.

Especially the commercializing.

Thatā€™s been something I called for quite sometime ago and he denied it.
Build an audience. Sell them. Guess the real reason is evident now why someone would spend three years making videos.

The goodness of oneā€™s heart apparently has a sale price.

Say it ainā€™t so ICT. Say it ainā€™t so.

You never used the magic word.

Did I forget to hit send on that post? Because i remember typing one with questions about u taking less than 20 pips and not letting anything run. And u entered those on double tapā€¦ Wtf is the point of double tap if you tp at the same levels? Nice enough to pay the spread 2x?

What r u referring to?

Great job Ake!! At my daughterā€™s karate school there is a sign that says 'Success equals inspiration plus perseverance." You are perseverance, and clearly you are inspired. I think that while folks are watching the million dollar challenge, you will be proving another point about the quality of ICTā€™s mentoring, which is at least just as important.

I wound up with two longs on the Fiber this week, both wins totaling approximately 120 pips and a little over 7% increase to my equity. More importantly, Iā€™m taking some profit around 30 pips, moving the stop to BE, and letting the trade run to capture more of the range. Iā€™m going to focus on doing the little things right this year, and like in golf when you do that, you tend to create your own good luck and the ball seems to find the hole more easily.

Keep doing what youā€™re doing.

PS: Darn it! I thought this post was going in to he ICT 2012 / 2013 thread.

Read back two posts above mine.

This is what I was responding too.

I didnā€™t see anything about him charging. He does say you know a lot lol never noticed until I read that. I even watched the video twice.

A blatant lie and subterfuge of his intentions. And yet Iā€™m the bad guy for getting people to see the reality behind ICT. I donā€™t get it sometimes.

Call me a hater. Call me a Troll. But you canā€™t call me incorrect on my assertions of ICT.

Anyways back to the topic on hand.

Where is the lie? As far as I can see he was using his tools and concepts and not trying to lose, but using them in a sloppy way. No top down analysis, not getting up in time for London open, not taking profits, etc, etc. Obviously by actually reading what he is saying and not just jumping to conclusions he is saying that he was illustrating the mistakes that, in his own words, he sees some of the students making.

You have a heck of a talent for perpetuating half truths and rumors as fact.

Speaking from experience I think more of the newer people make the mistake of using OTE at nyo one day then reflection the next at LO and not having a true top down view. Instead of trading the same KZ everyday looking for the same thing and not trading unless you see it. They just pick whatever tool fits at the time and what they want to see not what the market is doing.

Go back and read ICTā€™s post in here of his explanation of last week that he just posted earlier. Itā€™s a stark contrast of what he said in his video. I did my due diligence and went to watch the video. Heā€™s flat our lying. There is no logical explanation or back peddling other than that he deliberately lied either in this thread or on his video.

I preemptively accept your apology after youā€™ve done your own due diligence.

What specifically was the lie? He never said he meant to lose on purpose. He said tried to win the trades, but with poor execution apparently. I admit I donā€™t like the games, but I can also see the point he was trying to make.

He says heā€™s not trying to do something commercially. ā€œnot because I donā€™t like BabyPips or not because, you know, Iā€™m trying to do something commerciallyā€

I really donā€™t even see the need. The challenge was 5K to 1M. Just do it.

I think they call that a Spin Doctor, haha.

Michael doesnā€™t sell anything, and he never will.
FACT: He hasnā€™t once tried to get anyoneā€™s money since his first appearance here in March 2010

Did anyone catch the part where he said he wonā€™t have a losing week from now on? There is no vagary in that statement, itā€™ll be something we can look back to every fridayā€¦ Did ICT lose this week? The answer should be NO for the next 36 months, lol

I would never feel comfortable making that statementā€¦ and thatā€™s coming from the guy that didnā€™t have a losing week in the last 8 weeks

Iā€™m less concerned about the commercializing, then I am about his two very distinct reasons for last week. They arenā€™t even remotely relatable.

Heā€™s Bipolar, give him a break. Thereā€™s no shades of grey for what you should be seeing in the coming weeks. Canā€™t you just wait til next fridayā€¦ if he doesnā€™t WOW you by then, you can call him on a bunch of things

He also said he didnā€™t throw those first two weeks on purpose. He did. Idk if I can believe not having a losing week. I can believe a million in 3 years. Thats one step closer to moneynvrsleeps lol