Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

My belief with this issue is possibly a sort of misunderstanding maybe.
My thoughts were that before he started the week, he decided on his plan of late starts and imperfect preparation etc with that expectation for it to cause a loss.
Then he gets into the trading week with the late start mindset etc and tries to make a profit with that lack of preparation and in fact loses on the week.

So, possibly (and I don’t know as I am not him), he sets himself up to fail initially, and with that flawed setup, tries to make pips.

That could explain the contradiction of trying to win but expecting to lose

No truer words have been spoken. Spot on.

Well I wasn’t going to say this… but I think the real reason he did that was to build up your ego, and it clearly worked.

You saw ICT producing results way way below expectations and you jumped on the bait. Now in the coming weeks you’re going to be choking on all the comments you made about his poor performance. Have fun :57:

That’s one way to look at it. But it doesn’t really equate. This isn’t a misunderstanding. He was flat our asked if he lost intentionally and he said no. Two days later he says he faked the entire week and then some.

A misunderstanding is easy to spot. As if flat our deception.

It’s okay to admit he lied. It really is. He methods will not be compromised. He won’t expel you. He won’t get mad at you. The others will still accept you. Men are inherently flawed. It’s okay to admit it.

Would love to say I’m flattered. But as I said, I will let him know when he starts beating me.

I’m not that big of a deal for ICT to orchestrate an entire challenger, purposefully lose, just so I have the opportunity to brag. That logic really doesn’t make much sense at all.

But truly, I’m flattered you think that highly of me.

Yes, us men are inherently flawed. I see the glass is half full most of the time and think good rather than bad - even though it has sh1t on me more than once being like that.

In saying that, I also do not blindly follow either. I am known for hard research of something before making a decision - a reason why Forex has taken some time with me, however, I have not and will not blow an account for that same reason :slight_smile:

Guys if you dont like ICT or his teachings just dont follow him and enjoy life :slight_smile: simple as 1 2 3

Reading comprehension dude, come on. Never did he say he tried to lose. He tried to win using his tools, but with sloppy entries and management, just as he said he seen many newbie use them. It was apparently an exercize to make a point

I know you really understand what was said, but you keep pushing this “lie” thing even though you cannot point out the specific lie when asked multiple times. Also by taking peterma’s quote out of context and constantly pushing your misinformation it is clear as day your intentions.

Admitting ICT lied, is not an admission that you are a blind follower.

Is this more about protecting your integrity and your judgement, then it is to admit a man told a lie?

I pointed it out more than once.

In this thread he purposefully lost. In his video he said he didn’t when asked the question directly.

I stand corrected on the commercializing. But not on the two distinct accounts he told of his trading thus far.

It’s okay buddy. It really is. This isn’t a reflection on you.

You’re more concerned with me, then you are with the truth. The insistence of the denial is what is continuing this. And it’s beginning to damage your own credibility.

Where did he say he purposefully lost? I really don’t think he said that. If you can show me a direct quote of his saying he lost on purpose then I will agree with you. Mind you, trying to lose on purpose and trying to win with poor execution are two different things.

Please read his thread. I mean really read it. It was a clear outline to demonstrate “real world” failures of his trading methods.

He said with intention he woke up late, took more trades, purposefully lost pips, ignored his calendar, amongst other things.

You are a smart guy. I know you can spot the stark difference between the two accounts.

Actually, I don’t care what he makes from it or intended… 5k to 1M in perhaps three years… The rest doesn’t count.

Did he had a bad start, or was it intentional… Well if it was intentional, he should have said it upfront. Was it a bad start, well we all have those. No lies required. If he is the real deal, it wil show… If he is fake, it will show to…

35,5 months to go.

You’ll just continue to nag about the minor details.

-0.6% on account and thats end of the world?

Yep, I’ve seen many politicians do the same thing with quotes over the years, not a nice tactic really, oh well I still enjoy MG’s banter and I will follow along his thread - in our country someone who keeps conversation alive when things maybe die down, someone who sits in the group in the bar and keeps chat going, someone who livens the place up - that someone is often referred as ‘being great craic’ - it’s not a derogatory term - the opposite.

MG - you are great craic :slight_smile:

Thanks ak,

Good to see your account improving, an inspiration to us all :slight_smile:

Yes it was. It was to demonstrate “real world” failures of a newbie TRYING TO WIN, but executing the tools poorly. Not “trying to lose” as you are saying.

BTW it is actually it is not the instance of denial that is continuing this. You said a few pages back

and then after he answered…

It is your insistence to keep on hammering on that is continuing this

That was a bit harsh and I apologize for that. However, you are the one who brought it personal…please don’t try to stir things up like that

Being toyed with is not generally a sign of someone thinking highly of you. He gave you 2 weeks, in exchange for 35.5 months of rubbing it in your face. Good Reward:Risk if you ask me!

So are blatant lies and spreading misinformation about other people. I admitted that it was and I apologized.