Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

It’s flattering none the less. However its not probable. He stated actually that it had nothing to do with me as he had his sights on ChristianGrey.

:5: Think… and it will become clear.

Seems to me that his ego may have gotten the better of him – just like it does to all of us. IMO, ICT is very concerned/focused on validating that his methods are sound and less focused on the $$$ he’s earning in this account (currently). We all do it, some of us turn winners into losers because we can’t admit that the rally is over. Some of us turn losers into bigger losers because we can’t admit we’re wrong. Some enter trades just to “be in the game”. And some of us even get our kicks by “proving” others wrong.

Personally, I don’t care if folks lie about why they made decisions when their personal emotions are involved with their money – we all tell ourselves whatever we need to in order to keep our mind where it needs to be to succeed.

Very little of his instructions are new ideas, which he readily admits, and that makes it even more impressive that he’s able to teach basic concepts to news and experienced traders alike – and both groups are able to gain something. Basic concepts that are the building blocks of almost all the other trading methods out there: supply & demand.

People seem to forget that this is the Internet, people can be whatever they want to be on the Internet, which is the reason so many people build reputations on the Internet, because they can be the person they want to be for the few minutes (hours) it takes to create that image. You can edit, delete, and re-write anything then go back to your real life where you don’t have do-overs or mulligans.

Me, for example, I’m a newb that falls victim to all the ego faults mentioned above. I’m also using this thread to feed my ego and try to convince myself I’m smarter than I am (poor pitiful me). BUT… Through doing so I’ve realized I fall victim to FPS in trading, just as I did in poker (FPS = fancy play syndrome).

Reading all the posts on babypips from all users helps me realize that plenty of folks make tons of cash with complicated, advanced methods while other make chump change, still others lose everything. The same is true for the simple methods. The trick is to find out what you like and what works for you (me) and find others who share the same thought so you can validate your ideas with theirs.

I’d really like to see a video library table of contents that groups the videos by category so I can watch 10 videos on S&R, then watch videos on Elliot waves or wolf waves, or watch live trade videos that correspond with a specific set-up.

Either way, following the thread and the tweets and videos help get me organized and have really helped with documenting a trading plan. Before babypips I knew I needed a trading plan but I had no idea how to write one: I couldn’t find a “trading plan template” like you can for everything else in the world.

After all my writing I realized I wrote the exact post that I skip right past and never read haha. I guess I realize now that these posts are written for the writer more-so than the readers. By the end of it I realize its a self actualization post more than the “response to another” post it started as. Yet, I cannot delete it because my ego won’t allow me not share it. Conundrum.

Perhaps unwittingly, you have become the voice of the skeptic mindset. So it isn’t about you, but since you have taken it upon yourself to be the most vocal… you will be the lightning rod for all skeptics

That is quiet a target. So what is your timeframe?

It was and has been proven highly probable… if I wait for the intended guests to the party… and you the uninvited show up… like I anticipated third cousin nobody really wants to hear from. If anything has been exposed is your lies. You are not interested remember? You don’t care… remember?

You are clocking more posts in this thread that I am… and I am the OP! Wonderful show of disregard and lack of concern bub… lol!

You sir have lost control and I sit back and smile having known from the beginning I could pull your strings… dance for me MG99… dance like pinocchio :55:

I will have 36 months to meet the goal… it could take more or less but I am aiming for 3 years. Which ever it may be… it will be nonetheless.

I was looking forward to this because I thought it would be a great example of how ICT trades, with a weekly video explaining why he took the trades he did.

Why did i think this?
He said thats what he was going to do in several videos.

What has actually happened is there have been no videos explaining in detail why trades were taken and apparently the last two weeks were supposed to be some sort of educational tool on what it looks like to loose money and trade the tools badly.

I’ll be honest folks. I know how to trade the tools badly! Any idiot can trade badly and loose money. I think its a safe bet that everyone here knows how to loose money in the markets! So there is zero educational value in doing that.

Good teachers don’t lie to their students under the guise of it being educational. That was a scummy move and very deceptive.

I really hope this all kicks off to become something useful. At the moment this is an ego stand off between ICT and mastergunner. ICT has lied and dodged questions with long winded rants that are just put downs and self praise when he has been called out on it, it’s not looking good.

The response I am expecting to get to this is "Well if you don’t like it then leave! " My answer to that is the old saying “Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me”

I’ll stick around here in the hope that something useful will be produced but if there is some other bull in the pipeline then i’m out. I and many others are here to see how these tools are traded correctly and profitably, so lets see it done. Less jibber jabber and mind games, more of the trading you did to make your fortunes ICT!

Scummy… hope you learned from it.

Looking forward to this as well. Hopefully a video pre and post week with the intended trades that he is eyeing up and then the posted results. Along with that and being able to following the trades in myfxbook with the exact entries and TP points would be very educational in how he utilized these methods and the mindset going in

I respectfully disagree with this point. I was in the Livestream session, and noted that ICT’s tone and demeanor seemed un-phased. I did specifically think to myself that if I am ever going to excel on the level I want to excel at, that I would have to work on how I internalize losing. With all due respect Woolo, there can often be lessons where we don’t expect them. By the way, the Livestream session then became a really good follow up lesson on Market Structure.

Oh yeah, it’s going to be fun.

Michael went fishing and got somebody

photo uploader

Look at the bigger picture. Let’s say, for argument sake, that ICT did blow the first 2 weeks of the challenge for selfish purposes.

What were you doing in those 2 weeks? Did ICT’s account prevent you from analyzing the markets on your own and placing your own trades? If you were too distracted by the “ICT show” then perhaps that is the problem you should be focusing on.

Look at the ICT name… [U]Inner Circle[/U] Trader. It means something…

What is [U]your[/U] Inner Circle? Who else do you allow in your Inner Circle?

Yes I learned also - a poster on the ptc thread told how he changed his trade because of something ICT had said - I had read also whatever it was but I remembered ICT’s caution ’ never listen to anyone, not even me, when either in a trade or planning a trade - do your own anaylsis’ - I was in the same trade and stuck with it - it was a winner.
Lesson learned.

I think handfull of ICT students made more last week than ICT himself, if you wait for food noone will give it to you, hunt yourself

Maybe watch some of the videos again and look at your emotions too?

Failing that if they don’t work then maybe a new concept / trading plan is required. I was one of the ones who did not question if Michael was going to failure, but I also didn’t guess that it was a “hidden” lesson he was showing.

I’ve seen the tools work, granted only over a small 5 month period, but more and more I realise that preparation and psychology are the key elements to Michael’s shared knowledge. I get this by regularly going over the first few videos in the original thread which specifically try and ingrain this point.

The concepts are solid but often the mind isn’t.

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mastergunner99 posted 114? Wow! You mean in ICT thread alone? Thought he said he didn’t care? IF this is true, then who is lying? :18:

lol… giving Clint a run for his money.

Apparently this thread is well “liked”…it hit 1000! :wink: