Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

Thanks for the heads up… I used the link Hopiplaka shared above. :57:

Appreciate the assistance!

For me personally, it’s not the signals - it’s a feeling of justice being done. For most of us, ICT has become more than a voice behind the charts. He was honest enough to share working strategies and techniques to cut through all the marketing hype to tell us how to truly succeed.

And he did at no cost to us.

Yet, many people started doubting his abilities because of their own failings and faults. This account is vindication. It’s giant can of shut the hell up that will be opened on the trolls and haters.

May the Force be with you. Seriously good luck - Just posting your message and intention is brave and inspiring.
(Hopefully I’ll be able to do the same with GBP5000)

All i can say is OH MY GOD!!! This gonna be EPIC

good luck!

Good luck on this one mate - may the forex be with you!

BTW - should we set up vegas odds on this one (time, over/under, hit rate %)?

Could be fun imo.

Chris Capre

So everything is visible to all - will be interesting to see how many guys end up copying trade for trade :wink:

May just be the most followed myfxbook to date!

Hey Chris Capre

How about doing the same thing, from your site seems like you up to the challenge.


Got the Farm ready and it’s going on the first trade.:wink:

Can I have a head start with 20k to 1million?

I’m sort of not happy about this. But oh well :slight_smile:

I see it this way. It’s upto the member’s, People who want to learn and become one like ICT doesn’t necessarily follow or copy ICT trade’s and as ICT did state in his video he’s NOT AT ALL RESPONSIBLE if anyone does follow and make/lose money.

nonsense :slight_smile:

He’s yet to add 3k…

wonder who will be that person or bank borrowing him that remaining $3000 to gambled with random numbers … :o

Guess, you being sarcastic there…!!!

Good luck. We’re with you!!!

“Vi veri universum vivus vici.”


Its harder when you try to prove a point, this isnt what this is about,

Love to but I’m out of my league in experience alone. I don’t even have 5k to start…

Also I think some of the people here are too concerned with numbers of pips and dollar accelerated in an excel sheet and/or should be concerned with their personal goals because I can guarantee someone will use this as a means of comparing to measure up.