Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

You know…

ICT has fed us fish. ICT has taught us to fish. Now we fish. For Pips.

Many people do not fully fund their account with all the money they have set aside for trading. They leave a big enough amount to be able to make their trades. There have been instances where a broker has gone bad and money not returned. Imagine if you did have a $5k account, moved it to an impressive $100k and worked off your 2% a week to take out, then the broker went belly up, or had its accounts frozen due to ongoing investigations etc. You would not be feeling that great.
I would guess that ICT has set that amount aside, but not the full amount is actually in the account, but most likely safely tucked away in a bank account.
If a person were to make a larg amount of bad trades and the amount remaining in the trading account was not enough, deposits can be instant (well, it is for my broker).

Instead of wondering about the money in the account, how about we wait and see how the trades develop and how the money grows from that point. It almost seems like some look for anything that they can comment negatively about.

What’s the intended timeframe for achieving 1m? Going from 5K to 1M is very doable, but might take a decade?

He posted a video yesterday outlining all of these points. Check the other thread. He said he’s aiming for 36 months.

Please pure muscle could you post the link of the other thread?

Thank u

Thanks a million Topfr:59::59:oxx

Best of luck, I am tired of reading people analyzing yesterday Yawn!! Will be watching with real interest!!

Best of luck to you ICT. I will be starting a myfxbook soon. . I will be following along

May the power of Allah be with you

Thanks mate.

digrezia, you should think about laying off the booze, or whatever you are on. it is $5K to $1 mill in 36 months, and nothing is being sold here. ICT has been teaching traders here for almost 3 years, and this is a compilation of all his teachings, showing it can, and will be done

Yes, and in turn, ignore the majority of the people who have been ever so diligently working hard and trying to succeed yet failing. In fact, let’s take this a bit further, shall we? ICT should charge everyone for his information so that the ‘freeloaders’ don’t get a Forex education for free. /s

In all reality though, there will be ‘freeloaders’ to anything free that is offered up, and it’s obviously ICT’s decision whether he will be detailed in the trades he takes, I can only hope that his decision rests upon knowing that there are many wannabe traders out there like myself who have put in inhumane hours trying to succeed, though still falling short. I just suppose it makes more sense to me to lend a hand to those who try, rather than focusing on keeping the minority (freeloaders) down.

Thank you.

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Hi PureMuscle, do you know if ICT has more then the one twitter account? Found ITC’s clearly but also found another one called InnerCircleTraders (InnerCircleTrad) any affiliation or just using his handle?

Thanks for any help

I will be joining in using ICT’s methods. Same stipulations, live account, starting with $5,000, no goal in mind just going to get submerged in the process and see what happens. Here is myfxbook: 2013 System | Myfxbook

This is not a challenge and I am not guaranteeing profitability, I am simply a student of ICT. I think I will be starting next Monday because I just sent the wire today and it should be in my account by Thursday (although I do have a balance and could treat risk like it’s $5,000 because it’s on it’s way in there). I have also been having computer issues that I hope to get resolved by the end of this week.

Wish me luck! Good luck ICT.

good luck man!

Nice! and all the luck…:slight_smile:

It is interesting to think what will happen if a vast number of people copy ICT’s trades and he makes it to $1million… Do you think that the powers that be would swoop in again? Although they wouldn’t really have any leg to stand on, since it’s just a myfxbook account like any other :wink: Intriguing! :33:

As far as I know he only has one, and it’s ICT_Babypips :slight_smile: I’m not sure though, I don’t hang around twitter myself…

You know that if you are an ICT student, you wouldn’t be taking his trade by trade. He teaches you to be independent. [U]He gave you a tool box.[/U] Use it.

ICT is a supremely generous teacher. Him opening this account is to only solidify those non-believers that trading is do-able if you have prepared yourself. He teaches you to explore the many options of trading through his [B]many [/B]videos.

A teacher leads by example but it is the student’s responsibility to take his/her actions.