Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

1.5% risk, 4.5% gain

I donā€™t even know what you just said. lol


I donā€™t blame you for the long orders on EU. I had one it, but the limit order was set for the break of the previous candleā€™s high. I missed it by pips it would appear, so Iā€™ll take my small victories when I can. My overall bias on it is still long, however, some direction needs to be established before I get back in. I wouldnā€™t be shorting this anytime soon, as itā€™s too much of a counter trend trade to mess with that, but ideally if price on the current candle closes above the high of yesterday, I would undoubtedly go long if price moved to break the high of that candle.

This tidbit really is under-rated. I remember watching the NYO video with you showing small range days leading to large range days, which I assume related to the days that the market had more liquidity due to the various announcements. I wasnā€™t anticipating larger range days resulting from announcements (more liquidity) until that video in 2012 when you showed us how you set up BP tools. Itā€™s such a silly little obvious thing, but itā€™s really helpful.

What happend to the 5k to 1 million thread? I canā€™t find it anymore.

Why you ganking my avatar?

This is truly exciting folks. We have 2 cases:

  1. ICT goes ahead and makes the 1M.
  2. ICT is proven as a fake.

Donā€™t know about you, but if the 2nd case is proven true, this would make him THE BIGGEST TROLL IN THE HISTORY OF THE INTERNET with hundreds of hours invested in threads and videos and livestreams . This would be bigger news than a measly $1M ā€¦ A new World Record !

There is the possibility that he isnā€™t a fake and still blows the account. Everyone still thinks so white and black.

And thereā€™s the possibility that he gets lucky and runs it up a good ways.

And the one where heā€™s legit but doesnā€™t get to 1m

This is the Internet guys. Iā€™m not even a man nor do I have a kidā€¦


I have few questions, Till now I donā€™t follow your trading style But I have studied allot and thanks I am profitable But some questions I do have for you and myself if you could answer few of them.

  1. I invented my style and profitable But too much risk in one trade and not consistent so donā€™t know why I am profitable as sometime its luck , S&P studies make out or NZDCAD saved me :slight_smile:

  2. I like your sheet on 1st page, Is it possible to get excel of same, My a/c balance is about 36K, I started with 10K than put total 60k, now I have 8k investment only rest withdrawn and rest 28K is profit.
    I would like to use the sheet for some pips calculations.

  3. Why do you think earning 8 pips , risking 30 pips its a good idea, Do you have plans to do same with big trades when you reach somewhere 40 per pip

  4. Oanda is a market maker and can easily eat stops during non-volatile or low liquidity, 30 pips on a big position is play for them I experience alot with them and finally moving in your direction so why not good risk reward ratio.

BTW I am with oanda, if anyone wants to put my a/c on myfxbook I can do only thing is my trades are random, I made today 7k in 3 days lost 5k few days back. Which going fwd I would like to avoid to prevent the a/c wiped out

I studied alot from different traders, indicators, woodies 3 CDā€™s, teach a man how to fish, ICT whole series so its not reading which is lacking, its greed, control, recovery if you lost which I need to control more

If you could answer of my questions that would be great.

As someone who has been following Michael from pretty much the start, I have to say that the last few days have been crazy on here. Iā€™m shocked to see how some of the other long time wolf pack-ers have turned so quickly against ICT. The thought of him being a troll is so laughable its not even worth discussing. Iā€™ve had to learn lessons of patience through things like waiting for video releases and other tough lessons. The learning hasnā€™t always been fun, and DEFINITELY not easyā€¦and Iā€™m still a ways from ā€œmaking it,ā€ BUT Iā€™m light years from where I was before finding Michaelā€™s workā€¦hopeless and just wandering through the charts. Thanks to him, I have a very real chance to make this ā€˜hobbyā€™ a profession, and a very lucrative one at that. True, I donā€™t understand exactly what his thinking is behind what heā€™s done recently, but sheesh fellas, donā€™t crucify the guy for temporarily making you scratch your headā€¦after all heā€™s doneā€¦really?

With what Iā€™ve been given from Michael, I have ZERO doubt that if I can COMPLETELY remove MY bad habits from trading, I WILL be consistently successful. I have seen lots of success over the last two years employing his strategies, but its still been a roller coaster ride, and when I reflect, the dips are MY fault, and mine alone.

Ok, thatā€™s enough from meā€¦got more important things to be working on than posting in this craziness, but just had to put my two cents in, and Michael, Iā€™m curious to see how this turns out, but Iā€™m with ya, and Iā€™ll keep following for any remaining tidbits of knowledge you are willing to disperse. Props my good man.


Thereā€™s this inspiration song that I still listen to that has forged a good part of my self belief and my ability to persevere. Itā€™s quite the classic and Iā€™m probably a better man having adopted the meaning of the song in a part of my life that needed it the most.

However, the writer and singer of that song was charged with some crazy crimes involving him with a minor and a video camera.

The moral. The message can sometimes be good and influential, even if the messenger is tainted.

No, there is zero tolerance for a ā€˜professionalā€™ blowing up an account :58:

In my book, losing half of an account is the same as blowing it up.

I was really excited when ICT announced the challenge and then got even better when he opened up a myfxbook account to show the proof and what you could actually do using the techniques he teaches. I have been following ICT for almost a year now and have made very long strides in my trading and patience in the market due to what he has taught. I appreciate everything you have done for the new traders getting into forex ICT. However, isnt this getting a little old. If you dont want people jumping into the same trades as you are then wouldnt it be easier to disconnect your twitter account from your myfxbook account? Just a thought. Also, just finished reading street smarts, awesome book. Canā€™t wait to start digging into Trading with intermarket analysis by John J. Murphy. Thanks for everything ICT.

Yup. Good advice from a bad trader is still good advice.

So whatā€™s the song?

Itā€™s either a Michael Jackson or an RKelly song

I was thinking Gary glitter. So many odd balls in the music industry!!

Shame I havenā€™t been following this thread, when I realised what was going on I wasnā€™t very amused, Iā€™d put a lot of thought into some of those trades, and they just didnā€™t add up.

I also put a lot of thought into the reasons behind the trades, I couldnā€™t always understand why some were being taken and seriously questioned my understanding of the tools I thought I had learnt.

Iā€™m still not quite getting the joke or why itā€™s so funny.

You can obviously tell the tools from the trades, you will find it funnier as time goes on.

Hopefully, Itā€™s just the last video I watched was him saying he is trying and the trades are genuine.
I only checked his trades at the end of my days trading (otherwise I may well have exited some of my good trades) but it did cast some serious doubts as to my understanding of his tools.