Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

Even when publicly admitted, his ‘issues’ are none of our business. That he teaches and trades for us to see doesn’t make it right to discuss his personal matters without him mentioning them again. It can be that he regreted to have shared it or that he doesn’t want to share it in this context.

We all have such issues.

WOW thats a bit harsh! Take off the blinkers FFS !

Yup i have 6 identifiable charater faults and 2 neurosis but i’m not espousing a trading methology that is to a large degree a psychological roadmap for other to expressly follow. In this instance I suggest publicly admitted issues are our business unless otherwise dismissed.


Do it mods… DO IT… Frisk mayyy

Seems like: AspiringTwenty5V2 System | Myfxbook

So seems he was doing pretty well.

I thought at first you are asking about his weight…lol nevermind…

No they are not our issue. You didn’t charge to receive advice, his material should be sufficient to understand yourself and the challenge is for educational purposes only. You are not entitled to think that you have ANY right to discuss ANY of his personal matters. He OWES you nothing.

You know it’s been rough going on Babypips lately when the high point of the week has been D-pip expressing his wish that ICT is wearing a speedo, g-string, or fig leaf.

S**t, that took 3 hours to get through! (Yes I’m a slow reader)

I can’t believe how ungrateful some of you clowns on here are! The amount of time and dedication you have been given here for FREE to try and understand the psychology behind not just trading but also the varying market conditions is more than any book will teach you.

Its laid out in an excellent schedule from newbie reader and gets more detailed the further it continues.

There’s that much material that I’ve not even had the privilege of going over it a second time.

The message is clear, take the material and try and understand it, use it in a way you feel comfortable with it but if you forget to exercise patience and money management then its going to be a whole lot harder.

If you can’t trade your own analysis then you’ve really no hope.

When watching the videos and learning the concepts a lot of the hidden gems are in the words Michael uses. Patience, trust, conviction and discipline.

Something I’m not there with yet as my limited time trading a live account needs more practice, which I’m more than happy to put in, as I know which side my bread is buttered. To everyone who lost money, more fool you for not trading your own analysis, I dread to think what your underpants look like or do you blame someone else for not cleaning them for you??

And as for the trolls who are so far ahead of Michael yet can’t possibly show any proof, it’s simply sad. I checked in on Gunners thread and wasn’t disappointed, no method whatsoever, shame he can’t read this post as I think I’m on his naughty step. Its just drivel.

Lastly, anyone who thinks you’ve wasted time watching all the videos over the years and now feel “duped”, WOW!

Michael has always advocated to use his concepts in the sandpit and take what you want and incorporate it into your own trading plan.

That’s all I’ll say on that, just some of you need to stand on your feet.

Amen to that!

Therein lies the conundrum - it was Micheals intention to dupe us - or at least that is the lesson we’re suppose to learn - right? So if I have learned my lesson - what’s the problem???

The BOE has me waiting for NYO… tonight has a full plate of econ data and could push Price around. The market has been chopping sideways on the USDX and while I was originally bearish Dollar… 79 fig has done an impressive job of hold Price. Obviously, we will need to see the impact of the BOE rate release…

Be careful… :57:

I don’t see a problem, the WOW was meant to be read as WOW, the cheek of you guys.

God left dinosaur bones around to ‘test our faith’. Think for yourself.

Is this to suggest dinosaurs weren’t real? Or that they are and or were real at one time and faith fits into this how?

I’m thinking he’s trying to use the analogy with Adam and Eve vs evolution. Don’t ask me why or how, but it’s what comes to mind :15:

Some of the comments here are grossing me out more than the GoDaddy Ad.

ICT isn’t the only one that had a bad day. I lost 2.9% today on three trades closing out.

Still above 40% for the year though and 35% in open profits, but at least I can feel for my fellow brother in the struggle.

Can I assume these figures are relative to the closing balance of your account for 2012?

Care to share what that closing balance was?

I know people don’t like talking $-terms, but given your “exposure” in this thread, I think it would be fair to provide that one $ figure for us.


In all honesty… had I really traded short today… I wouldn’t had stayed longer than 25 pips. BOE and Fair Value in Trinity… choppy and ranging.

I will be closing a Cable short tonight… aside from that… I hope either way the rate release moves price significantly… either direction would be nice.