Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

This statement, ironically, encapsulates how good he is. Think about it. :45:

Then when I started trading FX, I was a terrific trader and didnā€™t know it :smiley:


No one really ā€˜thinksā€™ about it. :smiley:

How many now recognize a bad trade when they see it, before it actually goes negative?

paypal sux and dang I canā€™t spell

Jeez - this is one of the most ridiculous enterprises I have ever seen. Whatever ict is doing is pretty irresponsible whichever way you look at it. The only grown up way to view this is to believe he is actually losing money on crap trades. Why else would someone lose real money to teach others a lesson. That would be incredibly patronising and I feel disrespectful to his many followers. His selfless teaching (videos etc. ) are a genuine credit to him but whatever this execrcise is slowley eroding thaty credit.

Sorry for posting folks as I do realise Iā€™m only adding to the fire but I dont think its right to dupe people.

No one purposefully loses money like this. Nobody.

Did he turn $400 into $10,000? Sure I can believe that. How many accounts has he blown up in the process is what Iā€™m interested in.

Mike McCarthy can coach a team to the Super Bowl, but he throws like a girl on the field.

This is a really good point. This little exercise or whatever you wanna call it, is actually very helpful. If I am up during one of these trades I will analyze the trade and can immediately, for the most part, spot what is wrong with it. If I am not around I will analyze the trade in hindsight. Nevertheless, I can see mistakes that I have made in the past, and continue to make although to a lesser extent these days. I can gain just as much, if not more, from these than I would a proper ICT trade because now I have to really look at the entry and ask myself the question of why and determine what is wrong (or right). I can understand if some people feel duped or whatnot, but in his own way, Michael is doing all this for which he believes is for the better, whether itā€™s appreciated now or later or never is really up to the trader. Also, I think anybody who is actually upset is just in it to take the signals and/or has not sufficiently learned the methods by which ICT trades. I know that he is going to start making some serious gains at some point, and it will be fun because by analyzing the trades as they happen I will be able to know exactly when that starts.

Quite disappointing to be honest.

Hyped up so that everyone was on the sidelines to see what a trader who has given so much of his free time and efforts can actually do himself with the tools that he collected together. I have no qualms that the tools work, but this game has distracted me enough now. I am going to head back tot he road I was on before I got intrigued with this challenge. I am sure I will be one of many, which will mean that if there was supposed to be a lesson to be learned - it will be falling on deaf or absent ears.

Like I said a few weeks ago with the first week of loss - I think that this is being played as a psychological game and I for one feel a bit offended by it to be honest. I like to treat the people I communicate to with the same level of respect that I would like dealt to me.

I believe you are a religious man Michael - what about the do unto others as you would have them do unto you?

I believe your methods work. I believe you are a very successful trader. However, I donā€™t like the games played and will not take part in it.

Back to my own charts and my own study. I make small profits, but I am happy with the game I play - honesty and respect to others.

This is a really frustrating thing. I donā€™t think the validity of his methods are tied to his success in this contest. I do think that whatever his motivation in teaching people was, the bottom line is that he made a tremendous effort to give something to people, and Iā€™ve felt that it deserved more than some of the comments that have been made here.

Whatever one chooses to believe about ICT, for most of the last 19 months, Iā€™ve been trading fairly successfully. This is not the case at all in 2013. The only positive way to look at things, is to use this time as an opportunity to positively manage adversity. However, there are only so many minutes in a day, and itā€™s at the point where I clearly need to get back to the basics of my trading foundation far more than I need to be adding fuel to this thread. Iā€™m not looking to be a sheep, shepherdā€™s buddy, or wolf, but a dude who trades successfully and can make money at home. Iā€™d gladly help out anyone I could, but at the moment Iā€™m not helping myself, and my active participation in this thread is a distraction.

ā€¦his myfxbook link is now removedā€¦

Have some of you even looked at the trades?

The myfxbook account is trading the opposite direction. Look at London open this morning. You really think someone who has been preaching 3 years to follow market flow and enter on limit orders didnā€™t grab that LO short this morning? You really believe he went long when everyone on this thread can see its an OTE short?

The Asian range scalp from last night where the account shows short is clearly an OTE long from the New York lows established during the dayā€¦

But you guys can believe what you want to believe.

Do you think Chris Lori invited a stranger to have a webinar with him without actually doing his due diligence and vetting who he is? ā€¦

Looks like Micheal is/was chasing the market, going long and short on the same pair in the same day within hours.

There is really nothing cruel about the profits Iā€™m pulling in consistently.
Some people donā€™t need ICT anymoreā€¦ We graduatedā€¦ This is about ICT now, and the story is going in a very bizarre direction I will admit


Can you please install a ā€˜dislike buttonā€™ for comments. It would make the threads much more fun if we could choose to like or dislike comments, and maybe the thread could show a running total of both. Think of how many people would stop spending time writing comments that just clutter up the threads if we had the choice to just click on disliking comments. Iā€™ve spent far too much time in the last couple of days writing comments that I would have preferred to just dislike if I could. It would result in less rudeness, less maintenance, and be beneficial all around.

Iā€™m really not flaming here, Iā€™m just thinking out loud. Iā€™m in no way suggesting that it be called the ā€˜wooloā€™ button. egā€¦ ā€œdid you see that comment from the person who has no clue what he/she was saying?ā€ ā€œYeah I wooloā€™d it yesterday.ā€ No it should not be called that.

Yup I kind of hear you AK. ICT did bundle alot of concepts neatly together and took many of us newbies up a level or two into the realms of the modestly profitable.

Itā€™s a real shame that this significant achievement is not enough for the man who loves God and Guns(?) but he has to try and prove heā€™s a world beating trader instead of ā€œjustā€ a decent guy who wanted to help others. The supposed mind games and manipulations, the excuses. The previous challenges gone by the wayside (remember the 2K deliberate draw down at the start of his last million dollar challenge, what a crock that turned out to be as well). The ego wants to leave a legacy and it could have been a nicely modest ā€œyeah that guy helped meā€ but now itā€™s gonna be ā€œyeah the guy who lied to us and then couldnā€™t produce the goods again and againā€ I am as disappointed in this matter for Michael as much as for his followers and defenders.

He ran the first account down to 2k, but first announced he was going to do itā€¦it was to prove a point just as with what he is doing nowā€¦

If you donā€™t see what he is doing then you either havenā€™t been around long enough or didnā€™t actually study his material enough.

Think about it has he used his rules? Has he used support and resistance? Has he used many of his other tools?

He his proving the point that most of us arenā€™t using his tools to there intended useā€¦he is now trading the way most of us traded using his toolsā€¦

It seems to me he is going to gradually start apply everything that he teaches and show us how we can turn our trading aroundā€¦

Even though I will admit that this entire thing has caught me off guard, I do agree with PIPhanger. The trades he is putting on now look like the way I traded a year ago, not the way he has taught us.

Sorry Piphanger you have got that wrong. Michael announced the ā€œprevious deliberate drawdownā€ after the event and claimed he traded on the toss of a coin. This is the only other time his trades have been accountable to babypipers and again it was some kind of deliberate disaster to help us and prove some point, what that he can lose money than make it back. Just do what you say your going to do.

Anyway Iā€™ve said my piece, thankyou Michael for the help youā€™ve given me in my trading career and I hope you find what youā€™re looking for, try not to hurt anyone (including yourself) on the journey.

Yes you are right I am still losing money, but I have a dream one day it will hit me and I will be successfulā€¦

Iā€™m counting on ICTs challenge to guide me in that directionā€¦Iā€™m not taking his trades but trying to learn and get a feel for how the day sets up, what trades he is taking, how and when he is sitting on his hand and whyā€¦

You donā€™t get hired to a job and they just say here you go, you went to college for this stuff you should know how it goesā€¦no they give you hands on experienceā€¦that is what I am hoping to get out of this challengeā€¦

So far I have noticed what the bad trades are that he took and could spot themā€¦so that is a startā€¦:slight_smile:

Iā€™d have to agree with you if he was trading his own concepts but the fact is heā€™s doing virtually the opposite.

He is teaching you somethingā€¦just keep paying attention.