Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

I don’t have the time to attack each of your points with the delicate care and precision that that they deserve. I’m serious about the dislike button, and was trying to make a point with my sarcasm. My issue with you is that you come across as if ICT were to reach out and offer you two free hours of 1:1 attention on Skype, that your opinion of him would take a 180 degree turn. There are people that I disagree with that I can respect what their saying and how it’s being said. It’s not just your points it’s the attitude that comes across that I have an issue with.

My trading will return to form, and if there is ever anything I can say or do or share X weeks, months or years from now that would help you, I would be more than happy. But I do follow this thread, do feel like I want to put my two cents in, and would much rather do it by clicking a button then by taking time away from things that will get me back on track.

Here are the results on a $50 acct over the last 2 weeks “following” ICT trades.
Well, with a few aj scalps thrown in for good measure.


A set of methods may be good and they may work, but a lot depends on the trader using them. I’m not referring to mistakes such as lack of discipline or over-trading. I am referring to technical errors such as being unable to spot the correct levels, or messing up entry in real time conditions, getting lot sizing wrong, risking different amounts per trade, etc.

A trade set-up might look perfect after it happens, but when you are executing it, it is always different.

I think we should wait and see, and let the results speak for themselves. No need for speculation. ICT will prove that he can do it if at the end of the challenge he indeed has 1 million in account equity…

PIPhanger, 'm saying something in a very friendly way: no one ‘sees’ what you mean and you do not either. You imagine a possibility, on the screen of your mind, complete with intention, cause, effect and so on. Think enough of it and it is as good as real. What we are seeing, actually, are some black and red digits on a screen that signify a string of losing trades. That’s what we see. Not meaning to kill the point with persistence, but i think it’s really important to make a difference between real and imagined, [U]especially[/U] as a trader.

Everyone does see it in a different way…you got that right…

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