Inner Circle Trader's ForeXmas 2012

Looking forward to this one!

Roll on installment 1 :smiley:

Is it this Friday! I also remember this time last year and am just as excited as then !

Thank you ICT for your ultruisitic nature…I hope I can do the same one day for others…!

So Friday’s the big day then…

Three Days Left!!! 1 year later and I still find nuggets of gold that I missed when reviewing videos from ForeXmas 2011.:59:

Another day, another ICT thread.

And in the true spirit of Xmas.

Oh Yes It Is!

Only 2 more days to go :wink:

Go to yoour browser settings and uoyy can switch the up ops offp

I’m waiting, I think I got my timing right, Fxmas will soon start, ideally…

after I’ve watched Kill Bill 2

If not, I’ll stay up and watch Pulp Fiction.

Then 'll sing ‘Ceidwad Y Goleudy’ and go to bed.

"I don’t know what happened Doctor, he’s been fine all day. He’s been sat patiently by his computer all day waiting for the release of the highly anticipated, pee your knickers with excitement Christmas Bonanza and it…it didn’t happen. It started with a twitch, and then a cough, and then he said this…

Then sparks started flying out of his ears and he screamed this…

Then it all went quiet.


It’ll all end in tears

Heck she is secsi tho

Tears of Joy. I hope…

phew thought I missed it. So anxious.

Creepy, isn’t it.

Thank You Michael for the first present :slight_smile: it was better than expected like always :wink:

To be honest, I’m a little disappointed, it’s just another video for anyone making less than 100% a month :smiley: