Inner Circle Trader's ForeXmas 2012

Oh no it’s NOT, I’ll be doing the same again this year :slight_smile:

This post reads like PT was aware that a loss had been suffered when he made his post. PT posted on 12/28, and ICT mentioned the loss on 12/29. We all feel grateful to ICT for what he’s given us. We all feel impressed by his talents as a trader and as a teacher. We all feel sadness and can empathize when it comes to losing loved ones.

I have not yet seen a post on a loss - for the loss I am terribly sorry - I will go search and see what I have missed. I am not bitter about anything . . . I appreciate the heck out of what ICT has done . . . . and what I suspect he’ll keep doing . … . . I just pointed out a fact, and by doing so evidently offended a couple of folks - sorry for that -

I check the three threads here on babypips for entries on 12/29 - but did not see anything - so I don’t know if there is info from somewhere else that I don’t know about - - -
again - - - if there was some sort of loss in the family - I send my condolences –

Where did ICT post about the loss of a loved one…? It wasn’t here on babypips (not that I can find on his recent post list) so how was this news found out…

check his twitter account.

Michael mentioned during a post on the on the other thread that he would resume shortly and also posted on Twitter that they had suffered a family loss…for which I am sorry to hear for his family.

Ok then, here’s the cheese free version, -

Do your homework and be less obnoxious and have a little humility.

Geez dude…calm down… I am sure everyone are deeply sadden about this…

Hey Micheal, Great job your doing with your little cult, LMBO,:stuck_out_tongue:

If I was New to forex, I would wish to stumble onto your threads for sure, just because of your commitment to the Newbie Forum…

Not a follower of practices, but a follower of the personality itself, definitely the upmost respect for ya, and wish you a great future…

  • Hat Tip

I’ve been fairly annoyed by one of the posts that I read on the thread today. I’m altering this post so that this subject comes to a close.

For those who don’t follow ICT on Twitter, he tweeted today that he will resume the videos on Saturday.

hello, expecting the series to be finished
Thanks ICT

Whatever your ‘expectations’ are - you will need to exercise good grace, the same as the many many members who arrived here before you who have shown the basic principles of respect and patience, even if it should take another 12 months plus.

There are plenty of resources you may like to review in the meantime which will more than occupy your time here and expand your knowledge…!

If you do not know where to find them, take a look at the Thread, A Glossary of ICT Terms and Abbreviations, where Clint and Peter have kindly given up their (free) time by creating a reference library of ICT’s tutorials and the methodologys he employs in his trading. There are vast tomes of information there which ICT has freely shared, spanning a number of years, with the community on this forum!