Inner Circle Trader's ForeXmas 2012

Bear with, bear with…

Let me google that for you

Well, Welsh is my first language after all, sometimes I get stumped!!!

Pheww, int… int… int… tempearte, I never get hot around the color.

EDIT: So when it turns midnight, I can say to my mates - I’am intemperate?

That is cool.

I was thinking more along the lines of :

2.Given to or characterized by excessive indulgence, esp. in alcohol…(whilst looking after Father Ted)…!
Interesting Synonyms bye the way
immoderate - [B]incontinent [/B]- unrestrained - excessive
I guess that follows on from a bout of intemperance…! lol

(glad you have a sense of humour - despite your heritage…! : )

mmm, the whisky, you don’t miss a trick, you’ll get far in forex.

Omg, that last movie is eye opening! amzing :smiley: cant wait to start trading in january :smiley:

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone.

I would like to say a special thank you to ICT for his generosity in sharing both his time and wisdom with us. I have learnt so much from him and have really enjoyed watching his videos.

I have had a great deal of pleasure learning FX this last year, and I can honestly say, that having ICT as a ‘virtual mentor’ has been amazing.

Best wishes everyone.


Second that. Merry Christmas everyone.

Because his tools work and how impressive his devotion to teaching it is…

Any way, mary Christmas everyone, and a happy new year :smiley:

Go and try to learn his teachings and methods…if they are not working, then show us why it’s not working…

He seems to be going to each ICT thread to spew his negativity. Obviously he is looking for attention and if you read his previous posts on the forum you will see he isn’t worth it. It’s one thing to post constructed criticism and another to just bash an individual or method. If traders spent as much time perfecting their methods as they do trying to bash others they may find the consistency they are looking for in their trading.

What’s the max number of people you can put on your ignore list? I feel I may be making a run at that number in 2013!

Happy Holidays everyone :smiley:

Anybody know what’s going on with the vids? I was hoping to watch them before I start trading again on the 8th. Am I the only one that is back to reality?!

Hello DanglaGT,

I was wondering the same thing. However, since I don’t have better things to do today, I have found the ICT’s “Market Mapping” video on YOU Tube (incase you haven’t found this). I am currently listening to it right now. It’s about 1 hr. and 45 min. long and it was posted dated 12/19/12. I believe this is the 2nd one on the ForeXmas checklist.

Inner Circle Trader - Market Mapping - YouTube

You are correct in that that is the 2nd one of ForeXmas, I follow him on Twitter and that is where he posted the link, but going to his YouTube channel is just as reliable! If not, more reliable!

Hopefully he is just testing our patience and nothing has happened to him. Both good videos so far, which is why I am so excited to learn more.

It might have to be “ForNewYear” now lol.

I’m not sure if you noticed there is some 100+ other videos… should keep you busy 'till next Christmas and beyond…? :wink:

Seen em all

1st) Happy holidays to everybody

2nd) Happy Pips hunting in the New Year
(Unfortunately somebody has to loose his pips so I can have them. :57: (Thanks))

Since I have not been in Bpips for a while I found this “amusing” thread. Nothing changed!!! Same old questions, same old answers, same old snake oil, same old “guru’s” and “like to be guru’s”.
Glad to see, the world is still intact.

As a gift: my 2 cents about trading too:
Buy low, SELL High. 1 pip profit (after commission in case you think your broker is free) is more then I had just before I made that pip. Conclusion: A pip earned is a pip saved. :45:

May the pips hunting force be with you in the New Year. Oscar

ForexMas? - I was here last year, as it sounded, or as I read it, I was expecting a video each day from Dec xx to Dec xx for a merry christmas - - - and this year - - - it sounded, or at least as I read it, , I was expecting . . . .ah pretty much the same. Now I don’t want to get on a perch :slight_smile: and preach – and being the ‘winner’ of a 1 hr private tutoring session . . I don’t want to jeapordize that. . . but . . AND DON"T FORGET I AM A FAN . . . but “promises” note the quotes - - - -are not fullfilled.

An old saying comes to mind – fool me once - shame on you – - fool me twice - -shame on me . . . … . just sayin’ I ain’t a dog - loyal til death – - but pretty dam close. . .

ICT - I still want the 1 hr. session - I still believe; but as you can see, and I suspect, and hope, you would agree with what I am saying; I am not a blind follower. Hope your new year is better than the last. . . . I expect mine to be :slight_smile:

I agree and feel a little torn about this. I could not imagine being as generous as ICT is with his time and energy, especially given the life demands he has. He is a fellow who trades very successfully, has a busy family life, and has given us tools (for free) through his videos, that very realistically could provide us with financial freedom and a career path that many of us truly feel passionate about. It’s hard to fault someone in that situation. It does get frustrating sometimes, because I (I assume all of us) have busy lives with family demands, crazy work lives, etc. I’ve taken days off and moved family time around, after seeing an announcement that a particular video would be released at a certain time, only to have it not happen. It can be frustrating, but it’s hard to fault someone in ICT’s situation who is doing all this for free.

Luckily, I think that the things he’s given us already are enough for someone who is passionate about trading to become profitable and consistent. Any new videos are a bonus at this point. I think that the videos from this past six months really helped to tie things together. Some of the PTC’s, Trading in the range, and the Trading Plan Series (and a couple of the others) really helped me to take the tools he taught us to use and see how they fit together cohesively. He really clarified Market Structure and the Market Maker profiles.

Thank you for all you have done ICT. Your generosity has made a difference.

I think some sympathy might be more appropriate during bereavement, especially around this time of year when it’s ever more poignant.

When someone already gave you a tremendous amount of gift, be thankful and not being bitter about not fulfilling the “anticipated” additional gift videos. …It is up to him whether or not he will keep his promise though it will be nice if he did. It is different when you “pay” for those educational video and you should demand that he deliver for what you pay but since it is “free” then you can’t argue with that….

Spread your little wings and see what else is out there rather than being stuck in a little “cocoon” where you can’t grow…

It’s a New Year after all…Time for a new start….