Well Interest rate was a bit of a damp squid in the end, thought it might be, no expectations of any change by the market, it was unlikely we’d see a change, they wouldn’t want to rock the boat before Christmas.
The Cable short was stopped out on the remainder for +3 pips… so while I was wrong in my analysis, for those keeping score, the Trade never realized a loss… but profited.
I will use this example to illustrate my Twitter question the other day.
Here is a screen shot of the trades taken this month… and their results. These results are on Demo account for illustration purposes only. It is meant to stimulate how little you need to do and little pip moves you require to see growth. The same things applied over and over with the expected result… contrary to doing the wrong things over and over expecting a DIFFERENT RESULT = Insanity.
Am I scratching the itch of whether these things are profitable? No hindsight needed… :57:
I was actually on edge because when you went short I actually flipped my bias yesterday from short after it LO judas down to the 1:1 projection I had and I expected it to rally after that
I’m rather perplexed as to logic in going Short this early. ie not enough confirmation for a bearish bias.
Taken 30 pips on Fiber Long, PA off AR Low was a gift, and retired until Tuesday . PA too choppy at present. Suspect, hard to pick, Stop hunts in preparation for some big final move b4 Xmas. Supposing down, although that is a ‘preconceived’ bias, which often has a negative impact on my performance.
So what you are saying is with a $500 dollar account, doing the same thing I would of made $8 big ones in two weeks???
At that rate forex will be worth it after about 50 years of trading…I would then be able to quit my job…just 50 years left…
Takes money to make money, something I am lacking
Also why did you short when it looks like the higher timeframe is trying to make another leg up??? Shouldn’t you be trading inline with the HTF, something you seem to always do is take counter trend trades but yet teach trading with the trend?
I was reviewing 09/02/12 video last night, and at 15.00 mins I have written ‘ICT wrong and yet made profit’.
Here we have proof again that my way of simply enter and exit is the poorer way - when I’m wrong I ALWAYS lose.
Have also decided to switch to macd for divergence spotting - it seems easier to spot when my chart zoomed to the level that ICT had in the latest video.
How about the possibility of negative interest rates on Euro deposits for bearish bias!! - ala Draghi post rate set speech! - awaiting someone to counter thiose comments so we can all feel better again!
Well after yesterday posting that as a short term trader of 10 pips a shot I was going to start trading ICTs methods aiming for larger pip hauls, I did my first trade today short at 1.30736. I should of done it at 80, however I wanted to see how it reacted there first. I am trading it live, but only £1 a point as I find demo trading pointless as it’s not real money so there are no emotions to control.
Here is the reason I took the trade:
Daily chart it came back to the Trend line and resistance at around 1.3080/85.
Yeah less then 1% of a million every two weeks, yes you could live off this…but you have to get there first and if it takes 50 years to get there then what’s the point…
AK, I did do the math, that is on ICT’s to weeks. so yeah it is only less then 1% for two weeks. that is why i said on a 500 dollar account I would only make less then 10 bucks…what’s the point???