Look at the market profile illustrations and match them up to it, you’ll learn from doing that, and you’re interpretation might be different from mine, and still as valid and possibly more, but the thing is to read to read the chart in that manner, more and more I’m learning that with ICT, the approach is more important than the actual analysis, if you’re approach is right, it’s not so important that your analysis is right, get what I mean? But if your approach is right, your analysis has also a better chance of being right.
Against my better judgement (or a least all the Shorting) I’ve gone Long at 12980 figure. Tight stop with a 30 pip TP.
Hi Ake, Well done to the way of professional trading.
which format do you save the chart before upload? It’s so bright and beautiful!
You said it
I save mine in PNG, although suspect that BP convert to JPG, so quality is then downgraded
Very nice!!! Congratulations!
I have had a great day today my self.
Entered Fibre on limit order from last night @ 1.3075.
Was looking at charts and new york open presented a brilliant shorting opportunity for cable which i took @ 1.6113.
Closed fibre70%@ at 1.3031
Cable i am still in and haven’t closed anything, but about the close majority of it and tighn my stop as this run i very inefficient and i think, going tomorrow or next week we will will this inefficacy some how. PLus on 4 hr time frame we are fast approaching OTE, so i am mindful of that as well!
My bias was good old usdx together with MS and support levels.
Pics have it all really.
Well 2 pips above BE Stop now in place so it’s OK
… which just took me out
there’s no time like the present to change that negative attitude. Your negative attitude has been a self fulfilling prophecy. If you think it will happen, it will- negative or positive
Dude your negativity is getting really annoying. You are lucky ICT has so much patience with you and I don’t know why. It is your life so YOU need to do something to change it, not us. Find a way to get some more capital and make trading worthwhile. You can do this while you find a way to become consistently profitable in the meantime because it seems like that is the issue at hand right now and not the amount of capital you have.
My suggestion would be to stop worrying about the dollar figures and stop doing all the math until you have traded several months consistently profitable. If you stop looking at the figures, money will drop into your account and it will start compounding. This is something that really stuck with me from what ICT has said. While your doing this, save your damn money since you do have a job… only then, should you do the math and set realistic goals for when you should have a certain amount of money based on your capital.
I have a $2,000 account that was originally $3,000 because I went live before I knew what I was doing, but now I wake up every Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday morning at 2:00AM just to look for trades to enter at London Open for a very small profit. I do this while having to work 8-5 every single day because I have faith that it WILL compound over time and all these tiring days will be worth it in the long run. Thinking about the future.
Thank You Michael
Moving on from that rant, I am wondering how people found so many good trades this week… price was nowhere near my predetermined levels. GBP/USD had a nice judas swing for a long this morning, but it never presented an OTE. I think it was a turtle soup, but I don’t know how to enter those with confidence and usually just wait for the OTE…
I am done trading for the week due to NFP. I only had 1 trade this week that was a mediocre trade risking 1% of my account and I got stopped out at break even after taking some profits. I missed 1 really nice one on GBP/JPY yesterday during the Asian Range that would have paid handsomely. Otherwise, I just didn’t find any.
that’s some great advice, exactly what ICT has said to me. After a Livestream event in the chatroom, he asked us what our favorite hobby is, and I replied golf. He asked me if I liked to golf because of the process I go through on the course, or the score at the end of the day. I replied I enjoyed golf because of the process. He replied, that is exactly what I need to do in trading, focus on the process, not on the score, and my trading (game) would improve.
Enroll in college and take out a student loan :-D.
that one made me laugh
either way there will be a change…
Positive or negative its all emotional at the end of the day. If your positive and don’t know how to trade you’ll loose. If your negative and don’t know how to trade you’ll loose. I’m not aiming to offend with this comment but you cannot trade well. You don’t know how. Thats not an insult it’s just the reality from all your posts you’ve made it clear that your not making money. I’m not either so it’s not an ego thing. Where I’ve just appeared out of nowhere and am trying to be big headed. If you could trade you’d be doing it and would not be venting here. I suck too! Lots of things in the world I don’t know how to do. Trying to learn this though.
It’s pretty normal to be annoyed when your failing at something. I got mad as hell when I first started teaching because lessons were going badly and targets not being met. Being mad at myself forced me to work harder and plan harder I wanted to make it. That made me improve and then I was consistently good, then excellent. There are still bad days but they come and go. I know I can do my job well so when I mess up I am in 100% control of my actions and emotions because I know what i’m doing. “I’ve got this!”
In forex you ain’t “Got this”
Right now your trading sucks. You have lost money and your damn well not making it back by continuing to trade the way you are. That I would assume is fair to say. You’ve pretty much said it yourself. Again thats not meant to wound you.
So my advice again just as a man outside of this forex community and speaking from life experience and not forex experience. Work hard, keep making use of ICT it seems like he has helped you a lot in the past. Keep trying. In time you may get there. I say may because it’s possible you never will this is very rare skill and is surrounded with misinformation. You can’t google for advice because its mostly bad advice. ICT seems to be a light in the dark for forex education. He trades for a living and is doing his best to teach what he knows. If you go all out and just try to understand everything that is taught perhaps then you will reach a point where you know what your doing. Where you know how to trade. At this point you’ll find controlling your emotions much easier.
Anyway this my reaction to your posts that I see a lot. I hope you don’t take offence I’m just trying to say it how I see it.
[B]Hey Folks[/B]…
This is just a little nudge… to get the wheels turning.* The Demo results are a test on your perspective. What do you see in the results?*
Are you disappointed there were so few trades?*
Impressed with zero losses?
Impressed with the amount made in Demo profits?
Disappointed the risk was too thin and “not worth it”?
Expected a higher % return over the trades?
Post your thoughts… I will give you my feedback and the point I made in this exercise.
Until then… as always…
[B]GLGT[/B] :57:
One step a head of you…
I would take 2 trades a week with no losses at 1% win ratio… over anything else… think about it…
Bank savings account = 2% a year
ICT trading 2 trades/wk at 2%/wk = 275% a year
It’s a no brainer