Inner Circle Trader's Pro Traders Club 2012 - 2013 Series

Nice to see some other also in on Cable(makes me feel better about my thoughts :D) got a fill on 1.5820(4) :smiley:


Cable News in 2 hrs 5 min

Claimant Count Change
MPC Meeting Minutes

Seems that ICT was stopped out on his Fiber Long for a little over BE

Iā€™m still waiting to re-enter Long at 13288

wow i hope fiber holds nice here

seems that I miissed the boat by a pipette ro so

did you mean 1.3288 ?

yes - typo

Morning all :slight_smile:
Got a buy limit @ 1.33001 on the fiber.
Bullish divergence & OTE, looking at the USDX to fall a little (after my order has been filled that is)ā€¦ weā€™ll see

Ranging Market, bullish or bearish? That Euro looks like bearish for all itā€™s worth, that is sucking in sellā€™s quicker than quicksand, but look at where the clean resistance is, that will be bullish eventually, it might easily take stops out below 1.3250 even, it might go long after he Asian stop raid, one thing I do know, I wonā€™t be trading today, itā€™s far to ifs and butā€™ for me, and Iā€™ve been ā€˜paidā€™ this week, then again never say never :slight_smile:

Fiber Long 13293

multiple nested OTE

Haha purple, you will see some volume later and get sucked in to the action! Haha

Yes I saw those just a minute ago too!

PPF you really know how to put the ā€œwilliesā€ up someone eh? :stuck_out_tongue:
There will be [B]NO[/B] stop raids today cause I told the market!

well, thanks. you jinxed it! exiting my fiber long right now!!

Watching the 80.00 DX to see if it will hold

Look at the 1Hr chart guys, it says No No No.

If I wasnā€™t so hungover, I may well get sucked in, my motto for today is hangover = no trading = no losses.

Lookā€¦ OTE reflection now :stuck_out_tongue:

open in a new tab or window for full effect i give up trying to make it big in the post lol.

Have to be sober to swing the axe, so Longs R US

At the least good for a 30 pip scalp (thatā€™s me below), although looking at 13380 for about 85 pips

Yeah but youā€™d enjoy that too muchā€¦ :smiley:


meanwhile, iya playing wow :smiley: btw what is the pic supposed to show us?