Insider traders

Hello guys, I was wondering something.
Does someone knows where I can find insider traders I know it is not legal but simple curiosity.
Thanks by advance and good trading to everyone here :slight_smile:

That’s an interesting question. :sweat_smile: Haha. Honestly, I’m also curious to see if anybody here knows anyone involved in those activities. Although, I doubt anyone would really broadcast it here. :sweat_smile: Just out of curiosity also, what do you plan to do if there’s someone here who knows someone? :stuck_out_tongue: Hahaha.

Yes. For a start, the five biggest banks in the world. They have all been fined billions of dollars for their illegal activities - they just pay the fines and carry on!
Second, Gordon Gecko - though most people think that was a movie based on a fictional character.
Third, anyone reading a news article about future earnings, and trying to figure out whether if they buy the shares today, they will be in early enough, or are they the cannon fodder set up by the real insider traders.
Fourth, meme coin creators and traders