Insight on the analysts on forex news sights such as dailyfx

so i just couldn’t get this thought out of my head all day. i have been using bloomberg and dailyfx for current news updates and to stay in touch with whats going on. on these sights there are the main analysts who’s job apparently is to give us insight into the market and whats going to happen and so on and so forth. they make themselves out to be all knowing forex experts. however my question is this. if they truly were experts on the forex market and how to trade. wouldn’t they be living on a private island swimming in their sea of money, rather than working for a website? haha so thats why i am a little wary to listen to them. i still use the sites for news updates but not trade strategies or predictions.

MT, you made me laugh out loud. You are absolutely correct, if they could trade, if they knew so much, they would be livin large and not collecting a paycheck. Most Anal ists are glorified sales persons, selling a brand more than ability to judge the markets. So who to listen to, just the news, not what Kathy Lien, or Cramer thinks about it, just what are the facts, if you do this you will be light years ahead of the rest.

The Ever Factual VIPER

haha im glad i got a laugh outa someone. its pretty damn funny.

haha this is just LOL. yeah i dont trust what anyone on tv tells me anymore or anywhere for that matter. I mean there was a whole strategy called the cramer fader. or something of that nature. hilarious