
I agree, but which ‘guru style balogne.’ are you referring to specifically?

I say what you need is one damn good strategy and keep doing it and doing it and doing it until you get it right.

The kind full of self enabling power phrases in large fonta.

Your right, the only thing you need is one very good trading strategy, one that extensive forward testing have shown it to have a high probability of being profitable.
I deliberatly leave out the word “backtesting” as I believe backtesting results are wildly innacurate.


I can’t understand what you mean with that either. Even your answer to PPF about “self enabling power phrases in large font”. If I don’t do that (the self support) WHO will do it? YOU?

Maybe my way to share is not a good one (my apologizes) BUT is the way I know and the way [U]I like[/U] and make [U]me[/U] feel good cause [U]maybe[/U] for someone, somehow results in some help. [B]I really DON’T like that word: guru style :58:, maybe I simply don’t understand it fully but I think that I don’t deserve that tittle.[/B]

Best regards

[I]“Me quedaré, me quedaré, [B]siempre cubano[/B] me quedaré…”[/I]

I didnt mean you cubanpip I was referring to some of the excerpts from literature posted on this thread such as:

If the market’s behavior seems mysterious to you, it’s because your own behavior is mysterious and unmanageable.


You can’t really determine what the market is likely to do next when you don’t even know what you will do next, regardless of what you may perceive or want.

All of that is total balogne, meaningless and irrelevent, does anyone realy believe, when the market seems mysterious, if they modify their own behaviour the markets will miraculously start to reveal their intent ?
You cant determine what the market will do next if you dont know what you will do next ? This is inane, there is no relationship existing between what you will do next and your ability to determine what the market will do next I have read some of this style of literature before, that if you become more disciplined in your life as a whole it will make you a better trader this is dr feelgood nonsense.

Hello again SDC!

You see, I couldn’t understand properly what you were talking about. Thanks for clarify!

What you say is your viewpoint and I think that NOBODY has right to not respect it even if there is no agreement with it.

I will try to explain why personally I see LOGICAL and BENEFICIAL those thoughts and why for me they are meaningful and relevant.

What I understand is NOT that the market will miraculously start to reveal its intent to the person, simply [B]the person will know what to do (or not do) no matter what the market does[/B]. NO ONE knows [U]with certainty[/U] what will happen next in the market. If that’s true then NOTHING the market does is really mysterious cause [U]ANYTHING[/U] can happen. If you agree with the idea that the market can go [U]ANYWHERE[/U] then when it goes [U]anywhere[/U], is that behavior really mysterious? If you feel lost when market goes [U]anywhere[/U] then the problem is within yourself, in your perception and your expectation NOT in market’s behavior, right? Then what you can do is just have a plan: [B]“If market goes here, here, here or here what I will do is this, this, this or this”[/B], next you DO need DISCIPLINE and SELF-CONTROL. And I believe that that mindset helps not only in trading but in anything in life.

What I still don’t get is the relationship between “guru style” and [U]counsel to search answers within yourself[/U] :confused: I always though gurus are the ones who promote the “follow-me-cause-you-don’t-know-nothing-and-without-me-by-your-own-you-can’t-achieve-nothing” idea and maybe I’m wrong but I simply CAN’T see that idea in those quotes or “excerpts from literature posted on this thread”.

Best regards

[I]“Me quedaré, me quedaré, [B]siempre cubano[/B] me quedaré…”[/I]

Hola TalonD! I see it fair to answer to you, sorry for the delay.

First, I’m not good explaining but I’ll try. Second, I prefer to answer here with your permission.

From what I shared it’s clear that I DON’T control risk with Stop losses. Also it’s clear that in order to open a given position size I need to have a defined required Account size (Example: to open a 40 lots trade I need a $320k account). Also market is not rigid so I must be FLEXIBLE too. Then, if I see a good chance in my 3 pairs at the same time I simply divide the position size accordingly. One more thing, RISK is big or little in a relative way. Bank’s channel is about 400 pips (in unusual conditions something like 500 - 700 pips), you can think that that’s a lot but is not so really cause if you remember 100 pips = 1 cent in REAL life, then how can I defend my capital with a 30, 50 or 100 pips SL if that’s NOTHING even for big market-makers? Better defense from my viewpoint is to spot entries with a HIGH probability of taking some profit from market. How much is good for me? My Cuban formula: spend $1 earn $4 (3 for me and 1 for spenses). ROIs, % and etc, etc, etc, for the

. If I spend 1 pip in commissions my Minimum gain is 4 pips, from there up whatever comes is simply great.

Regarding never lose a trade, just remember that one month means NOTHING. Experienced investors-traders use to say that only some decades count. In trading I’m only 2 years old, then, I need another 8 years just for my first decade. The great Capablanca at some point though he will never loose again and he did. No one is invincible BUT just because I’m that kind of person that fights to the end and don’t give up so easy, and if loses, loses BIG, my money is withdrawed and keeped in other places REGULARLY. So in my case what is on the line I can lose it WITHOUT problem. But of course I will do all I can to NOT LOSE. Good "luck’ needed? NO. Simply good decisions and defense for the bad decisions.

And are you sure you saw a picture of ME???

Happy trading!!!

La vida no es tan, tan, no es tan fácil, no es tan dura.
Pero tampoco tan floja, la vida es como tú la cojas

Best regards

“Me quedaré, me quedaré, siempre cubano me quedaré…”

The picture is gone now! So it must have been you! Logical deduction! They don’t call me Sherlock for nuthin! LOL

400 pips? I didn’t know that. Learned something new.


Maybe game theory would apply to forex? I never got into the science and mathematics of game theory. Anyway, life is just a game, money is just points.

This is not a game this is real life and it will ruin your life if you let it.

Forex is 100% a game. Each type of player has his objectives and goals and the market micro structure is the set of rules by which we all must follow. seeing the transactions as moves played out by those players, you have to understand their motivations. For example why do institutions do stop runs? Why does price jump so quickly and the spread jump during news? These are real events that are driven by how the players in this arena operate. but if you are thinking of game theory it would also apply. You have different types of players all trying to reach a their own objective. Certain moves at certain times will put them closer some times it will hurt them . So by understanding the rules of the game and it’s players situations that provide the highest probability for success or +EV can be found. Either by minimizing their potential losses or by maximizing wins. Also by working in co operation with other players or against them whichever provides the most advantage, classic prisoners dilemma. So how can this be used to your advantage? Well consider that was most successful retail traders do is lean on large institutional orders. So we are coattailing them, or playing a cooperative game. Large traders and commercial hedgers usually are on opposite sides . So at onetime it might be a good opportunity to go long with the large traders into a zone that’s targeting the liquidity of the commercial hedgers . This is a cooperative game with the larger traders against the hedgers. This is how I trade to be honest. So call it game theory call it order flow call it supply demand. It’s how I understand the markets.

Some of my favorite quotes:
“It’s only money, I’ll make more”
“Don’t take life so seriously, You’re not going to get out of it alive anyway”
"Do not pass go. Do not collect $200"
“There are seven billion people. In less that 150 years all of them will be dead including you and me. So what is it that matters most?”
“Don’t let it”

I play soccer, Lionel Messi does too but who’s making millions of it?

That made me laugh. :smiley:

Anyways, you never know. Maybe they invent something and we can still write here in 1000000000000000000 years, lol.

well it’s possible in the future someone could build a computer that would recreate all the memories and thoughts of everyone who ever lived. So it would be like waking up a million years from now and saying wow… I slept that long!


The next challenge for my performance.

PAMM Account: cubanpip:210076(CP-Sniper_RUR)

This kind of account has another psychological load and I’m planning to run this experiment for about one year. After results (after one year of working on this) will see what’s next.

Best regards

“Me quedaré, me quedaré, siempre cubano me quedaré…”

I like reggae. every ting irie mon

bob marley is the king… was :slight_smile:

I like his song “no woman no cry” I have been learning to play it on my guitar.

Albeit there is the fact that if there would be no woman there would be no fun either. What to do with all the billions if there would be no lady who could spend it? :smiley:

If it’s on balance and a little more fun at the bottom line, I guess it’s all right. :slight_smile:


Impressive! Once again МОЛОДЕЦ!

Happy pipping next week!

Best regards

[I]“Me quedaré, me quedaré, [B]siempre cubano[/B] me quedaré…”[/I]

WOW! I never saw this size before in the Bank’s channel!!!

Best regards

“Me quedaré, me quedaré, siempre cubano me quedaré…”