Instaforex: ForexCopy or PAMM?

Anyone with Instaforex here? Now Instaforex have 2 features for investors on their system: ForexCopy and PAMM

As investors, which is better to join with?

As an investor, it’s best to stay away from InstaForex as far as possible.

If you want to invest (and also if you want to trade yourself), go for a properly regulated broker in the US, Europe or Australia.
Forget about all the rest, if you want to sleep well at night.


I already play with their PAMM, here’s screenshot of last day

See updated monitoring PAMM list

And all paid successfully

I just want to know how it’s going with their Forexcopy new system


I don’t think any broker would bother acting on what I like to call ‘Pizza Trades’ (trades which profit will buy a pizza or two only).
Make 20k profit and try to withdraw.


just closed nice EUR/JPY trade

Okay, will try and we shall see :slight_smile:

learn rules and terms of your broker before invest in that. I am shure you have problem with insta because of scalping or you change you cashout system - blame yourself. Why everybody blame broker?

PS : i work with insta more that 2 years - everything is ok!

How are you withdrawals with insta? Do you use moneybookers^

i use

  1. webmoney
  2. moneybookers
  3. bank

But Insta Rules says that you can withdrawal the same way you in money in the same percentage
Sory, why do you ask? you have some problem with that?

Insta Forex | Forex Brokers Reviews | Forex Peace Army [B]BE CAREFUL![/B]

i work with that broker 2 years and have problem with withdrawal - they promise 1-7 h but at real 1-4 days but works!
Your link is about some bonus…I never use bonuses ) So I am careful

Look at PAMM Deposites - people work with 500 000 $ and its ok :wink:
And You talking about some 30$ of BONUSES:61:
Read more…Learn more…

I’m not talking just about bonuses Forex Peace Army - Your Forex Trading Forum how many pages of complaints is that?! You tell me, does FPA here have something personal against Instaforex, or is the brokerage really doing crappy business…After all you have an account with them. FPA, I really trust btw as the last line of defense against actus rei of various brokers.

sory you give some not working link and you have no Experience with insta…
The second thing is that - any broker that have leverage more that 1:50 and not accept USA residents is already SCAMM
So what are you talking about bro? The things that you say is FUNNY

I know that any of this broker some time foolish their clients … but like i told you i work 2 years there and it is possible cashout profit. Do not like it do not use :50: i have learn all conditions and rules at Insta and they give me my profit if i trade in profit

The link was a search output of the key term Instaforex on the ForexPeaceArmy forum.

Residents of USa are not accepted because of the regulation that prohibits hedging and higher leverage, no?!. Your testimony how Instaforex works for you is sufficient enough in this case.

Look i like Insta PAMM service
You only saying what you do not like
This thread is not about “is insta SCAMM or not”??? No. Many traders and investors working there now
Its about 2 insta Services - [B]PAMM and COPY[/B]

If you wonna deckuss Insta - go to FPA and call you real name and descuse with proove ow that
Any questuion? I hope you got me

Why are you getting all defensive about this though? Clearly this broker has been labeled as a scam on a reputable investigative forum. I’ll take FPA’s judgement over some IB or Pamm manager ( or what ever function you might serve with Instaforex brokerage). I just put up a warning for any new traders to read, to be aware of the shenanigans that they MIGHT encounter if they happen to follow your lead here…[B]GET IT NOW[/B]???

lol @ the frutration enduced by lower edumacation

Look i can say that your FPA has been labeled almoust every broker like SCAMM
And some brokers pay tham to do bad reputations for other
I can post that ANY broker scamm there at FPA / So what?

You do not like insta - do not work with that. No one is forcing you - right?

Like i told you- if you have something to say bad about insta - call your real name at FPA + scan of pasport + your prooves (not links of other guy)

I have nothing what to say bad about insta - the guys who had problems are noobs - they did not learn their RULES
Insta have a lot of rules

Now I get your avatar tho. Just like amd, your trash overheats too easy…

Look i like Insta and AMD! What is your problem
I know how to work with insta. Guys who say that insta scam - just did not even read Public Offer Agreement
They are stooped - is it my fault??? I do not think so
Good Luck. Сlosed the discussion with you