Instagram/TikTok Influencers Scammers - HSTikkyTokky AKA Harrison Sullivan From Essex / DMO Deejay London (Forex Lifestyle Lie) IronFX / Fitnesse FX - Fake Traders

Two influencers, known as DMO Deejay and HS Tikky Tokky, soared to fame. Both based in the UK, they captivated millions with their lavish lifestyles, frequent travels, and promises of financial freedom through foreign exchange (forex) trading. Their meteoric rise, however, masked a dark secret that would eventually come to light.

#### The Glamorous Facade

DMO Deejay and HS Tikky Tokky’s Instagram and TikTok accounts were filled with images and videos of exotic locations, luxury cars, and high-end fashion. They presented themselves as self-made millionaires who had cracked the code to forex trading success. Their followers, enchanted by the prospect of easy riches, eagerly consumed their content and hung on their every word.

Both influencers promoted a forex broker known as IronFX, a name that had become notorious in trading circles for its dubious practices. They urged their followers to sign up using their referral links, promising them access to the same tools and strategies that had supposedly brought them immense wealth.

#### The Deception

What their followers didn’t know was that the success stories shared by DMO Deejay and HS Tikky Tokky were built on a house of cards.

IronFX provided them with fake demo accounts that showed impressive gains, but these accounts were rigged to present a false narrative of profitability. In reality, the broker was known for dishonest practices, including refusing to pay out withdrawals.

DMO Deejay and HS Tikky Tokky earned substantial commissions from every sign-up through their referral links. These commissions, rather than trading profits, funded their opulent lifestyles. They carefully curated their online personas to maintain the illusion that their wealth was solely derived from successful forex trading.

#### The Unraveling

As their follower counts grew, so did the number of people duped by the scam. Many of their followers invested their hard-earned money into IronFX, only to find themselves unable to withdraw their supposed profits. Complaints began to surface online, with victims sharing their stories of lost investments and unfulfilled promises.

Investigative journalists and skeptical traders started to piece together the truth. Reports highlighted IronFX’s history of fraudulent activities, and attention turned to the influencers who had promoted the broker. The once-celebrated DMO Deejay and HS Tikky Tokky faced increasing scrutiny as their followers realised they had been deceived.

They had leveraged their platforms and the trust of their followers to perpetuate a deceitful scheme, leaving many financially ruined in their wake. The illusion of success they had so carefully crafted came crashing down, revealing the stark reality of their deceit.

Lessons Learned

The rise and fall of DMO Deejay and HS Tikky Tokky serve as a cautionary tale about the perils of blindly following social media influencers. In a world where appearances can be meticulously manufactured, it’s crucial for individuals to exercise due diligence and skepticism, especially when it comes to financial investments. Don’t be FOOLED By Influencers!!!

The story also underscores the need for stricter regulations and oversight in the social media and financial sectors to protect consumers from similar scams.

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Scamming is more profitable than promoting responsible trading. Scammers give people what they want - “dreams”


Unfortunately yes, masses fall for it…

No doubt, these influencers will be taken to courts and will receive their just rewards. Hopefully, it will result in a jail term and a lot of community service work. But white collar crime is always less penal than other types of crime. It may take a while, but I don’t think the statute of limitations will protect them.

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It’s always a red flag when influencers heavily flex their lavish lifestyles. If someone is more about showing off their money than teaching real trading tips and skills, it’s time to run.


Correct, i’m surprised the masses have such low IQ to understand this…so many have been exposed YET majority fall for it.