Instant Forex Profit System

Guerilla marketing going on here on this thread?:rolleyes:

No thanks. I already have a gorilla

I know very well the institutional world because I’ve been software project manager in several of them. There’s something you should know: they are not really trading risking their own money but OTHERS PEOPLE MONEY. All their mumbo jumbo about their edges are just marketing bull****. They have no real statistical edge, they just use their money power which yes give them an edge but of a different kind.

As for system, all I can read in the sales page seems pure marketing. No proof of trades like some others.

That is a black box system.

I think that the system is based on the calculation of the week pivot points of the last week and the week before last week. After that calculation there is a manipulation of the data to make a pivot point determined by the system.

If the price goes above the pivot point buy. If the price goes below the pivot point sell.

Why I think so. Consider the following:

  1. The input of the system are the prices that cannot calculate so many thinks:
    High, Low, Close of the Last Week
    High, Low, Close of the Week before last Week

And the Pivot point formula is:
Pivot Point = ( High + Close + Low )/3

  1. The Result is really close to the data of the week Pivot.

The exact manipulation of the data, I do not know exactly. But probably is some relation between the Pivot points of the Week before Last Week and the last week.

So not big deal. But this is really personal opinion. If someone is able to gain money let post on this forum. I think this is too simplistic to be true. I do not want to ruin anybody’s business.

If you look for black box systems try Brain Trend it is affordable. Or maybe now as this post come really late you are disgusted by the black box systems. The problem with them is that you cannot trust the system, because you do not know what the system does. In order to do so the masters always say that you need to have in mind the formula and the principle in order to understands what the indicator really does. If you do not do that you would psychologically fail because you would not have any trust in the system.

If you are willing to stick with only one system there are a great numbers of systems. Look if the thread is really busy. If it really is, then maybe the system is worth to be analysed. I always like the open source projects.

Salute Sir

guys i am a young guy trying to find other methods through which i can earn a living for my self
i am currently stationed in Africa Ghana where i am in the university studying

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

the claimed qualification is bogus, for a start

there’s actually no such thing as a “Ph.D. from Oxford University”

at Oxford University the doctor of philosophy degree (which can be done in a huge range of different subjects) is called a “D.Phil”, not a “Ph.D.” at all

whenever you see anyone claiming to have a “Ph.D.from Oxford”, they’re lying, and they’ve dropped a real clanger, too, because it’s such an easily exposed lie :wink:

dr flamingoproxy

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