Instant Forex Profit System

Well, I’m not a newbie, but not once a forex greenhorn. Usually I buy and sell stuff or do dropshipping.
But today there was an email in my inbox and my superfast delete finger hesitated for about 1 millisecond … “Instant Forex Profit System” What’s that?
It took me 4 hours of research to land here with tons of ???
I could not find any rewiev of Stephen Wilson’s (Ph.D. from Oxford University, no traces on google!) thingie. Logical, when I checked clickbank marketplace: 60% commision. Gravity 19.02 position 11 of 93 for the search term “forex”.
All kinds of “Systems” there, amazing. Looks like this forex marketing niche is interesting, but crowded?
Anyways, I found on #1 on clickbank a System, Gravity 254.12: “Forex Autopilot - Robots Trading The Forex Market.” After reading on this forum all the thread about this at least controversial product, I got even more curious about this “Instant Forex Profit System”.
So, before I just buy it, to find out myself, my question is to this community:
[B]Anybody out there with test results?[/B]

Thanks for enlightenment,

Before you open your wallet ask yourself the following questions, do you really think something bought for a $100 or so will make you profitable? You should always be weary when you see words such as ‘instant’ followed by ‘success’ or ‘profit’ because the truth is nothing in life is that easy. The only true path to success is through hard work and dedication and we all know it.

There is a chance that i may be wrong and its a really good system, but what are the odds? With regards to test results, how do the sellers results stack up?

I’ve never heard of or tested the results of the software, though I’d be happy to do it if someone provides me with it. :smiley: In a demo account, of course.

I googled “Instant Profit Forex System” - the first result that came back was a review that linked back to the original, typical 12 foot long page filed with the same old marketing schtick. Granted, the reviewer had never used the software, but was merely reviewing “Stephen Wilson’s” claims, so that is of limited value, I suppose. The second google result came from someone who has used the software, evidently, but looks like a referral-mongering shill for the program, etc.

If I sound skeptical, it is because as you point out there are “all kinds of systems” floating around for sale, many of which are canned piles of garbage. This system, for example is touted as follows:

“requires no trading experience”
“only requires 5 minutes per week of your time”
“no technical skills required”
“It is widely used by professional traders or beginners with no experience whatsoever, simply because it WORKS.” Professional traders, eh?

and last but not least:

“a winning ratio of 89-92%”

All of these suggestions are dubious, at best. You’re probably more likely to make money as an affiliate selling this than as a trader (well, not a trader, because apparently it requires no trading experience") trading it. But then, one would be profiting off of a lie by basically misrepresenting information to unwitting “noobs”.

Sorry guys, thought i would quickly stick my nose in here. Am i wrong in the understanding that in order to become a professional trader- no matter what system, you need to live, eat, sleep and dream the forex market? I have been lucky enough (in an unlucky way) to be able to dedicate every hour god gives to the markets. Surely there is no such thing as a professional trader with no experience as Andrew was getting at?

As a fellow new trader i would advise anyone thinking of starting forex to spend as many hours as you can (or the wife will allow!) to the valuable resources on these forums and trading a demo account. If we could all buy a $100 system then wouldn’t we all be in profit? Please tell me to shut it if i am wrong.


“requires no trading experience”
“only requires 5 minutes per week of your time”
“no technical skills required”
“It is widely used by professional traders or beginners with no experience whatsoever, simply because it WORKS.” Professional traders, eh?

and last but not least:

“a winning ratio of 89-92%”

All of these suggestions are dubious, at best. QUOTE]

I dont need to do any more research than this. Its garbage pure and simple. Unfortunately I have lost the link to a fabulous article that detailed the amazing lengths that institutions go to to get an edge. PhD mathematicians, the best hardware and software money can buy etc etc. But populations through all times are suckered into get rich quick scams and thats human nature. The only way to make money at this game is to understand price action, develop some simple way or ways to take advantage of it, and have the psychological fortitude to stick with it through thick and thin. There is a game show here in Australia called Deal or No Deal which beautifully shows the effect of greed, regret and lack of understanding of probability as contestants try to make $200,000. It shows clearly why most cannot make it in this business

HEY TONYMAND! Deal or No Deal is British born and bread! Hands off mate! :smiley:

We have that here in Canada too! We watch it all the time and are amazed at the bad decisions. I’ve heard contestants say they watch it at home but it’s totally different when they’re on stage…I guess it’s like going from demo to live trading in that sense. Anyways one day we hope to see someone actually win the million :smiley:

We have the show here in the United States as well, though I’ve never seen it. Not much for television, aside from the Office (also a British show originally, I know!), which I catch on NBC’s website, anyway. But, I’ve read about the show and heard co-workers discuss it, and your description is quite accurate and, I fear, symptomatic of how many approach the elusive prospect of getting rich quick.

Deal or No Deal:D

I hate to be mean. Maybe I am more like the greedy banker. But… I laugh my a$$ off every time one of the contestants walks away with nada.

They start off the show with good odds. The game is to stick around long enough until the odds are no longer with you. Then take what you can get and run. Hey, you walked through the door with nothing.

But then the greed takes over and they are forced to take horrible odds and they keep on rejecting the deal. Sometimes they get lucky, but most of the time I fill with joy when I see the look on their sick faces when they realize how stupid they were with the greed.

Sometimes they will have a dumba$$ relative (who you can look at and tell is a nobody) with them saying “I know you got, I know you got it, I can see it in the stars, My gut is never wrong, … blah blah”. Then whamo, $hitt city, nothing.

My wife is so silly. She will feel sorry for them. I try to explain to her they were asking for it. Then I will tell her about the markets and the goal of trading is putting odds in your favor and never being greedy. As for me, I don’t know why, I am really a nice person. But… that show just brings out my evil side. The one I tuck away and pretend not to enjoy. That show gives me the excuse to bring it out and enjoy it. The only reason I watch it.:slight_smile:

Threads i sent of on a tangent count: 2! :smiley:

Deal or no Deal is the classic greedy mans competition. I Just love the way that they walk in with all their numbers written down, the birthdays first etc…
Then the lucky charms! But i do have a slight amount of respect for the peeps who stick it out until the normally, bitter end! And don’t get me started on the swap! Although im not sure it would be the same without Noel Edmunds. Right definatly sounding like the misses now!

Brittish comedy is probably among the best, but i must recommend a UK show called ’ Peep Show ', has me is stiches no matter how many pips up/down i am! Any how i think we will agree this is a highly educational thread for ‘Traders Relaxation’.

Keep laughing people!!

(edit) O yeah and we play for �250, 000 in UK!

$1,000,000 in US. I guess Sweetpip in Canada watches the same version with Howie Mandel.

All right, now back to instant profits with a purchased ea on the net. My opinion… stay away.

I second that. If you are looking to purchase a system i think you will be looking more in the area of thousands. Any profitable systems for sale that are genuine will be happy to offer money back guarentee’s. And do your home work before giving away your childrens inheritance.
Am i allowed to recommend a site?? I have a friend on a purchased system.

(Well the US would offer $1,000,000. Everything is huge there, some might say unnecessarily so!)

Dan here, hi!

Maybe I did not put into words clearly enough, what I meant?
Actually I have more ??? in my head than before.
Well, I have absolutely no idea about forex trading, but I’m not an idiot.
If I had a working forex trading system, I would not sell it for $100 and not for $1.000.000, but keep it to myself and work with it, ok.
And if this “System” would work, as described in the salesletter, everybody would use it and we all would be millionaires. Millionaires only here, even my goldfish could use this system, ok, ok.
But now I’m even more curious about this “System” and think about buying it. I don’t care about spending $100 to find out about something, I want to know. But I care about time! If somebody can explain, why I’m wasting my time here, I’ll at once forget about this and concentrate on my other businesses …
Maybe somebody here is interested in helping me to understand the (un) usability of this (or other) system?
You see, only thing I know about forex is, that it’s a science. I don’t want to become a forex scientist, I only ask myself, if it is possible, to take advantage of this huge market in any form with a system.
For an experienced forex trader this may be a stupid question, because he as an “insider” can only think in his little box of huge experiences doing traditional trading?
For me as an “outsider” there is more room to move. Maybe an example can make clear, what I mean: I use my computer to make money online, this computer is my system. I’m not a programmer and I don’t know fortran, except of, that it is, what makes a computer work. But I know, what to do with my computer, to make money online. I have no idea, what happens inside my computer, when a buyer sends me money, and I don’t care. I care about success, not the means. When I use working systems in the right way, I’ll have success.
Now what is forex, is it a game like “deal or no deal”? Hopefully not, for such a stupid game I don’t need a system, as well as for any kind of lottery. But there are very sophisticated, attractive, addictive systems to make you lose money. Don’t need such a system for forex.
There are no games you can play with an allways winning system, looks like the same with the forex game?

Recently I read an article about pleople, still searching for a “Roulette System”. How stupid is that? 50/50 odds are wasted time (or just fun), but the zero (or even with 00) makes the house win and the gambler lose, in the long run, basta. Is that comparable to forex? I don’t hope so.
The only way to win the roulette is, if you own the house. What a “System”, to have a share on the other side of the forex table??

Anyways, in my fantasy there may be repeating patterns in forex charts, that analyzed by a comtuter program by the millions can create a system producing more than 50/50 odds. Fantasy, wasted time?

Some links to articles about this topic appreciated (not how to trade or salesletters, please)


PS: Sorry about my lousy kraut english, my second language …

Remember what it is exactly the forex charts represent, different people with different opinions as to whether or not a currency is cheap or expensive. It’s a highly emotional playing field you just have to watch price spikes after news releases to realise that. Can a computer program accurately analyse these intangible factors? Having said that im sure there a ‘systems’ out there with a win ratio of 50% or more, will it cost a $100 though?

Trading is not scientific, it takes a lot of practice & dedication and this site is the ideal place to start, with helpful members. Why not work out your own strategy thats suits your trading style, its been pointed out many times by other members, just because a system works for someone else doesnt mean it will work for you.

The reason i say not to buy the ‘Instant profit system’ because its a short cut and you’ll probably find it will take you off the beaten track.

Ahh, thats why its so good! You know they are finished when they start on with ‘I came with nothing …’ !!

Are we really going to go back to daytime tele?
Im more than happy to if we want… :stuck_out_tongue:

Damn good English actually Dan, best wishes

Hey Dan based on what i think you are asking re: a forex system, yes there are system outthere that you can purchase that automates your trade based on certain signals(just like any live trader would do) the problem with these is that they where designed with a particular individuals trading style, financial capability and risk tollerance in mind which in most cases are always different from yours. Also the individual who it was designed for would always be able to adapt it ot fit any changes in market activity which you couldnt do. it is best to find your own style then get a system designed to fit your style

Ok, in your opinion would you not advise taking on a system that suits the hours and tf’s you want to trade. Is it possible if dedicated enough could someone learn the in’s and out’s of a purchased system. I do not think the $100 getrichquick systems are the way to make it but if you make a reasonable investment in a system and commit to it would it not be possible to make it work? Would be interested to get an opinion on that.

I have the instant forex profit software , but might need a little help in the execution of the software. if you want I could send you a pdf of about the software.Alarick