Interest and passion for forex

In our community, we have traders with varied motivations. Are you engaged in forex trading primarily due to your interest and passion for the markets and analysis, or is your main motivation the potential financial gains?

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Both the intellectual challenge and potential financial gain drive me in forex trading. I love analyzing the markets, you know? it’s like a big, complex puzzle. But yeah, the possibility of making good money can’t be ignored.

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I like the challenge, and let the rewards, if any, take care of themselves.

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I think this interest itself can lead to more effort and better money.

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Focusing on the process and the joy of the challenge itself rather than being primarily driven by external rewards can lead to intrinsic motivation, deeper satisfaction, and often better results.

I find trading to be a very enjoyable activity, and it would be wonderful to earn money while doing something you enjoy.

Of course, what’s behind something is what makes it either awesome or just useless.

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I asked this question of some traders around me and they replied do it for financial gain. The pursuit of financial gains is a common reason why many people engage in trading.

The market is a never ending and constantly resetting puzzle and brain teaser. I find sanctuary and relaxation in the charts. Money is just a by-product of having a passion for trading.

When I read your comment, I thought about an expert and insightful trader, and I just want to add having a balanced mindset that appreciates both the process of trading and the financial outcomes can lead to a more sustainable and fulfilling trading journey.

Oh thank you, I like your idea of combining several ideas into one. It is appreciated.