Interested in IQ Option

Lately i am more and more interested in IQ Option and i would like to know what are your experiences on that topic. Do you have any tips for me?
Thank you

Youre better off burning your money than trading Binary, at least you can warm your hands on the flames.
Keep well away, there are reasons Binary trading is illegal in many countries

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You’ll be better off torching your cash than dealing with Binary, at the very least you’ll be able to warm your hands on the fire.

Wow - this is one of those rare moments when the stars align and we get two identical posts…for a moment I thought I was still drinking wine


I was just continuing the chain

Another poster deleted their comment before mine, which was almost an exact mirror of @eddieb 's comment, except slightly altered

I like to share my experience and to also enlighten everyone on IQ Options. They are big time scammers and if you have invested on any of the fake brokers please kindly reverse your deposits if possible. I invested almost 35% of my retirement payment on IQ option and Payperex with the mindset of getting it multiplied and enjoying a better retirement life. It was sweet and smooth from the start, withdrawals were easy and consistent until it gets to a point I started to be denied withdrawals and that was how I lost all money, I couldn’t get my investment amount back not talk of the bonuses. I had paid Birman Law 10% of my principle loss with nothing to show for it, I think the algorithm of these programs are designed for us to lose money in some way. If you flushed your money down the toilet with a binary broker then just learn your lesson, it took me 9 months to figure out how to get my money back after made failed attempts; I contacted several lawyers but it was all waste of time and money, they couldn’t render an inch of help. God so good to my old self and family, I later found a way to reverse my initial deposits. Ever since then i stopped gaining interest in Binary options. i was able to get the full amount i deposited back.

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Hi Tony, when you say you were able to get your funds, are you referring to the profits that you couldn’t withdraw or is all the money you deposited including the losses from the trades you took ?

idk, going from burning to torching can drastically change the meaning of the sentence. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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idk why there are so many negative commentary for iq option
for me personally i think it is the best broker/ platform all time.

im soo done with ancient looking mt4,mt5, ctrader with their ridiculously very annoying sounds, interface.

as far as my trading’s concerned
ive been on iq since 2017, im 22,independent and i pay my med school tuition, and all of my expenses just earning via iqop and am really grateful i am not dealing with those extremely outdated looking programs anymore.

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Well, I don’t have any bad experience with IQ Option. The trading platform is worthy to trade. The platform is not only good for traders but also the best choice for new traders who want to learn the trade.
Trading binary is profitable for those traders who want to earn money within a short time. However, your single wrong move can drain your all money. So, invest your capital according to your risk-taking capability.

Ok! if you want to trade then better trade with a demo account. It is wise to get experience without risking your money. For your betterment, I can suggest you some strategies which are related with IQ Option platform..
Along with this, below infographic will help you to get a small idea on IQ option Strategies.
It will be your first task to apply these strategies in a demo account and learn a trade.

Another thing is that I have found a blog where you find a common question on IQ option’s platform and answer to those questions.

The offer of IQ Option is good but not outstanding. On its website you can invest in currencies, stocks, indices and commodities, but their diversity is not as wide as that of other binary options brokers

If you gona trade with a few bucs then you are safe, if you trade with alot of money and know how to trade with a high winrate then you wont get your withdrawals - SCAM RED FLAG RIGHT THERE!!!

blocked me
search on yt IQ option Account blocked proof LIVE CALL

iq blocked my account
search on yt IQ option Account blocked proof LIVE CALL

I think you’d better stay off the binaries, because it’s not an option for novices at all. It’s created for scamming mostly, despite the fact that there is an opportunity to make money on binaries, lots of people are scammed by brokers on this matter. So, until you gain lots of knowledge, learn how to understand the market mechanics and have a deep experience in it you’d better staway away from binaries, otherwise it’s just a deposit dumping for you.
Well, of course you can try nobody can prohibit you to try trade binaries, however I don’t think it will be a good idea. I believe you can try to learn scalping strategies, they have more chances not to lose all your money, although you will lose it on initial stages because of lack of skill.

IQ Option have not got a good reputation. Every time I read a positive review I wonder if it is someone connected with the company. What to watch out for. Deposit ÂŁ100 by debit card and make say ÂŁ150 then try to withdraw the total. They will only let you withdraw the original deposit and make you withdraw by Skrill or equivalent. After 90 days they will not let you withdraw your original deposit to your debit card. My advice is stay away from IQ Options or go and read all the negative reviews you can find online before getting involved. I highly recommend Deriv You will never have any kind of problem withdrawing your money and I have used them as my main broker since 2007.

Same here IQ Option is actually a really nice broker beginner friendly as well

I just found myself reading this thread from the beginning !


I really must get out more ! :rofl: :rofl:

IQ Option is a trading platform where you can trade a wide variety of instruments. Among them are CFDs on Forex, Crypto, Stocks, Commodities, Indices and ETFs. You may find the available for trading assets in the Assets tab and check the price performance as well as trading hours.
IQ Option trading is Contract For Difference (CFD)-based. It means that by opening a deal on the platform, you will have an outcome based on the changes of the price of the asset without acquiring it. When opening a deal on the platform, you make a prediction about the direction of the price development and open a deal correspondingly (click BUY or SELL). The outcome of the deal will depend on the direction the trader chose and the actual direction the price moves.