International gun laws

That is Not what I said ! - I said

“The demonisation of masculine values”

If you care to take a look at Transactional Analysis (as expounded by Eric Berne)

"An otherwise good and loviong mother - frustrated at her infant child only has to say about 3 times in anger

“You’ll end up in prison - you will”

At an early age and the Child - being a good obedient child - will subconsciously work to fulfill his mother’s expectation - There are literally millions of cases - a friend of mine said to her daughter - “Don’t do as I did don’t get married and pregnant at 19”

The Girl was a good girl and obeyed her mother’s every word - getting pregnant and then married at 18 :smiley:

Every person reading this will be able to furnish their own examples.

The Jesuit “educators” used to say

“Give me the child until it is 7 and I will give you the man” !

All of these young boys have been through a whole lifetime of being persecuted simply because of their sex - and every boy at school who actually behaves like a boy will be punished, excluded and / or drugged into passivity - until they learn to “behave” as a “good little girl”.

I cite 2 vids you could watch - but there are many - 1 is “Red Pill” - Cassie Jaye (but you will have to pay a dollar or two - the other is this one

"Response to Jordan Peterson's comments on MGTOW - YouTube

After which Peterson stated that one of his regrets was his reference to MGTOW as “weasels”

Mate I cannot explain to you in a few words - although here is another of my threads which shows the abolute futility of any man - particularly a white man attempting to gain recognition in life through the essentially masculine values of competence and self-reliance !

"Why we need more female academics - What is happening in our Universities

Mate I cannot answer your question in one post - but go looking for “Red-Pill” and MGTOW - you’ll find all you need to know - or even read some of my other threads - like the two I have linked to here.

Finally a Quote from Douglas Murray

"You cannot go on indefinitely making war on white men without expecting some sort of a kickback "!

Interesting tho’ why you all seem so devastated and fired up by the murder of a few children by boys when your own Government is actively seeking to legalise teh murder fo millions of children annually by women ?