Intro about myself & reason joining

Hi Guys & Gals.
Me been playing around with 4X for couple years but still get hung up on some terms & trying to work out those PIP things!?
I follow couple different platforms, however always seems going backwards!
Now called by my kids “Old Man” which suppose am, sometimes feel it & other times, well!!??
Me live in Perth Western Australia so @ times on wrong end of clock when get onto live webinars. Also just signed up with a guy whom known for sometime for an automated system. Most times runs good. Couple gone backwards, however that name of the game.
Joined this so can see if can get a better handle on doing manual trading along with seeing what going to happen with these auto trades taken! I also info/trades thru messages from guys met in Sydney some yrs back, 1 being owner of Blueberry markets & they for the most part great.
So look forward to any assistance can get off anyone out there & will thank u people beforehand as know will get help! Thanks for the opportunity to join all u people.

Welcome to this community.
Can you tell me your auto trading?
I strongly believe manual trading is the only way, but still want to learn some auto trading things.

All the details you need are in the education section here it can be a bit daunting but go at your own.pace and ask questions here a lot of nice people here