Intro of myself

Hey there, I am new here and I have been practicing trading for some while now before stumbling on your website sent by a friend on Facebook…

Aim is to improve my trading psychology and nothing more. I have acquainted myself with the basis… What I need are the psychology aspect and make improvements…
I do hope I get much out of this great platform :ok_hand::bowing_man:t5:‍♂

Hi and welcome :slight_smile:

Thanks for the warmly welcome :bowing_man:t5:‍♂

Welcoooome! :blush: Having trader friends around you is already a good start, I think! :smiley: At least you have people you could also ask when you have any questions along the way. But you can always ask us here too! :blush: Good luuuck!

Welcome to BabyPips! If you need help with anything, let us know. We would try our best to help you with our solutions.