Introduce myself

hello i am a newbie and i chose forex because I want to learn to make money

Hello! I am a newbie too and leanring to trade and still doing Demo Trading to analyze the Forex Market.

Hi and welcome in BP :slight_smile: the education section is a good place as a start. Good luck in this long journey :slight_smile: Regards Greg

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hi , 14 years of learning here,may i ask how much money you expected to win from forex?

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I want to learn to make money

Learning how to make money is not a plan. So how are you going to succeed? I could teach you to trade Forex in five minutes, it’s that simple but far from being easy. That’s the challenge.

Use this great Education site as a learning venture before you even consider thinking about money. Let that take care of itself, some months down the road.

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Welcome to the forum. Please dedicate yourself to learn Forex trading. It takes time, so you need to be very patient. It is a business,which can help you earn serious money. On the other hand, if you do not deal with it accordingly, then it can make you lose serious money as well.

You need to make a good plan to survive in this market.

Welcome to the community. Enjoy your best time in BabyPips.

at least on this site ,the informational and course is free and advice from the regular s is genuine without ulterior motives .

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Always start with the demo for a while and don’t go live until you are consistent in the demo.

It is a great place to learn especially for first-time traders who are learning more about trading and its ways.