Introduce Myself

Hi! I am nickokpanachi, from Nigeria West Africa. I am 48 years and entirely new to Forex, I have created and funded a couple of accounts but haven’t traded any yet because I don’t even know the next thing to do. Always wanted to know about trading the forex market because I imagine if I am good at it, it will be a peaceful way to make money, giving that I like to stay indoors a lot.

Glad to be here and looking forward to learning as much as I can…

Welcome aboard to this great education site. Take it easy, one step at a time, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Understand that trading FX is a highly speculative profit and loss venture that needs patience and discipline. It’s the market’s job to make money and your job is to learn how not to lose it. Protecting your capital is critical, as without it you cannot trade.

I suggest you also open a demo account to find your way around the trading process - to practice and experiment, to make mistakes and find ways to stop that occurring again. I spent eight months trading a demo account until I was comfortable trading live. And that was a whole new ballgame.

But to be successful, losses are part of the challenge, and accepted as the norm that every trader on the planet experiences. It’s how you manage emotional control that is critical.

best of luck.