Introduce myself

Hi All!

Just a quick intro Incase i need any guidance or help down the line. I traded fx about 10 years ago. I was pretty successful at it. For a while. Got so arrogant and ■■■■ sure of my self put all my profits on one trade. Lost the lot in seconds that had taken me weeks to build up. 10 years later i need to increase my income. So here I am again. Having to learn how to do it again. But this time with my ego knocked down and the experience of failure. So here to fx second time around ! :slight_smile:

Welcome aboard for a repeat try. This time, aim to preserve your capital. Risk exposure is the only thing any trader has control over.

Best of luck.

Thanks Steve. Hopefully experience makes wiser :blush:

hi and welcome in Forex community , hope you will enjoy your stay from there , have a good journey.

Gracias i think this cafe will be helpful