Introduce Yourself topic

I am Titus. I am a beginner in forex and open-minded and always enthusiastic about learning. I am glad to start my trading career here


Hello, @Titusjoe1 and welcome to babypips.
Here you will find a very friendly community and a superb educational resource.
Cya around!

Thank you so much sir

Hello and welcome Titus! You’ll find lots of free trading materials here to start your journey. Enjoy your stay and good luck!

Thank you sir

Welcome to the community, Titus!

Hey, you have chosen the right place to start your career. Click on the education button on the top and start with your lessons. Don’t rush and learn carefully.

Hey, glad that you are here. Learn well because it is the only tool that will make trading easier and comfortable for you.

Welcome to the community, Titus. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

Thank you so much @zianfx

Thank you @Piscina

Hi @Titusjoe1!
I am also new to the forum and to the world of trading.
It’s my first comment here on this forum. :slight_smile:
Hope we all will learn here together!

Welcome to the community Xiang!
Indeed, we’ll learn together! :+1:

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Nice to meet you @Xianglu345 we will continue to learn and grow together

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Thank you!!

Hello, nice to meet you too!

Hey, it’s great that you are here. Babypips is great for learning in every way. While reading up on the basics, you can also ask your doubts.

Hello Titus! Just want to advise that while you learn the basics; learn trading psychology because what you think about trading has to do a lot with how you trade.

Hi! I’m new to Babypips as well. Welcome and good luck with your trading.

Hello! I am glad that you are starting your career on this amazing platform. Start with the school of pipsology and you will easily get through the market basics.