Introduce yourself

Hi everyone! My name is Maryam and I’m in to trading commodities and forex! I’ve been trading on and off for about 3 years now. I had a really good strategy which I was using when I first started but over the years I lost my strategy so I’m here to start again and bring my Forex knowledge up to date and start catching PIPS again hoping to become a profitable trader and long goal is to trade full time! :relaxed:

Welcome aboard. Today’s current financial climate revolves around the uncertainty of global economics affected by Covid and Russian war against Ukraine.

I have found over the last few months that market sentiment apathy tends to keep trends running, and less breakouts opportunities are being successful. Which could be a reaction to a bearish stock market.

Hey all ! The name´s Richard ! I am a novice in Forex and plan on gaining as much knowledge as i can in order to articulate and execute real time applications in the future! This is just the beginning. This journey is very exciting, and I can not wait to get started. All money in !

most welcome in this community, have a very good journey on there. happy trading

to be a successful from this market place is a very long time issue , need a long time experience with great level of patience.

profitable trader is a big deal in this market place, you need to move step by step , otherwise trading life could be worst.

there is any difference between successful and professional trader ?