Introduce yourself

Hello guys, my name is Jordan. I’m from Nigeria. Uhm, I am a student and I only just started learning forex last month. I have been taking the lessons from babypips, I’m still taking lessons. I could really do with a lot of help from you guys, mentors actually. I believe whoever has a mentor at something is half way there already and cant miss it. I’m really looking forward to learning from you guys and connecting.

much Love; Baby Trader(Jordan)

Okay, focus on process and probabilities of being on the right side. Combine that with emotional control management and you’re on your way.

controlling emotions is very difficult difficult because its a common human nature.

two things in trading we the traders cant avoid , one is controlling emotions and another is avoiding loses.

money management is very important in real as well trading life.

but as a beginner trader that is almost impossible to make a perfect money management. this is exactly true fact

Sure, we cant avoid losses, but the goal is to make more money than we do losses right?