Introduce yourself

Hello everyone,my name Barakat. I have been off and on from trading. Now I am back full time. Ready to relearn all processes again

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Welcome back; persistence is key to eventual success. This time keep a journal to record where you went wrong and where you was successful. Do more of what works for you and less of what doesn’t.

best of luck.

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Welcome baaack Barakat! :blush: If you don’t mind, I’m just curious about the reason why you’ve been on and off from trading? :open_mouth: But anyway, I wish you all the best this time arouuund! :blush:

Welcome back! I hope all goes well for you this time.

Welcome to the community, Barakat. Why were you off and on with your trading? Hope to hear more from you.

Lets say Covid and relocation happened. I was instable

Hi and welcome back! What made you take some time away from trading?

Hi Barakat, I hope that you achieve your goals this time. Trading is a great career if done properly. Work on obtaining skills as you move ahead in your career.

Hey, mate! I must say that you will be able to become successful at trading only if you are ready to dedicate plenty of time to your learning and then trading consistently.

Hey, it’s good to keep learning and trading. Taking breaks is good but it should not be too frequent that you forget where you are and what you were doing. I wish you good luck.

Hi there, welcome to the forum! Good luck for your journey ahead.

Hi Barakat, I’m glad you’ve decided to keep at it. :grin: