Introduce yourself

My name is Santiago, I am an engineer and I would like to learn traiding to work anywhere in the world and help my mother.

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Focus on the learning and let rewards, if any, take care of themselves.

Best of luck.

Hello and welcome, Santiago! If you haven’t been through the School of Pipsology yet, you should check it out. It’s the best place to start for newbies. See you around and good luck on your journey!

psychology of school can be a great source to bring good knowledge and experience. i think this is a great option for the traders who are particularly beginners.

hi and welcome, i hope for the best. happy trading

welcome to baby pips forum. happy trading and hope for the best

hi and welcome , enjoy your stay . this is a very friendly community we have

Welcoooome! :blush: That’s great. :smiley: Being an engineer usually opens up a lot of great opportunities. :smiley: I would suggest learning while saving up for a forex capital. :smiley: Have you tried the school here? :blush: