Introduce yourself

Hey everyone im Dhruv im completely new to this kind of thing a good friend of mine was having his own success in this so i decided to give it a shot any sort of comments to help or tips would be appreciated!

Welcome! Which country do you come from @Dhruv_xx ? :slight_smile:

Don’t rely on your friend’s success, as everyone is different, and most lose out. Take it easy, one step at a time on this great free education site, see if FX trading suits you and your lifestyle.

There is no short cut to success, so you will need to put in the hours for several months. Practice on a demo account to develop a profitable method and process that you’ll follow every trade.

In the meantime save up $500 minimum to trade on a live account, which should give you the space to learn how to protect your account. Without capital you cannot trade.

NOTE. An interview with a CEO of a broker firm said in 30 years that +90% of traders who open an account with less than $500 eventually lose it all.

most welcome baby pips forum. this community is very friendly , i hope you will enjoy this environment.

hi and welcome , enjoy your stay.

this community is really friendly. i hope you will enjoy this friendly environment . have a very good journey on there.

success is a big deal in this market place , need a good level of patience first of all.

Welcoooome! :blush: It’s great that you already have irl friends who are successful in trading. :smiley: I think that’s gonna be a big help cause you can also ask him if you’re confused about anything as you’re studying. :smiley: But of course, you can also ask here! :blush: